2021-12-25 Sermon 講道

Christmas Day


Preacher 粵、英語講道: Rev. Maria Ling 林寶珠牧師 (Interpreter 翻譯:Joel Chiu 趙俊傑)

  • 11am Joint Online Morning Prayer Service 聯合網上早禱崇拜錄影

  • NO Mandarin & English Online Morning Prayer Services 沒有國語及英語主日崇拜–歡迎參加粵、英語崇拜

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97104935659?pwd=QmM3aG9GWE1YZjhLay95TWNqWEVRZz09

  • Dial in to listen to service 647 374 4685 wait to enter meeting code 971 0493 5659 # # and password: 494353

  • 用電話聽崇拜 647 374 4685 等兩秒 971 0493 5659 # # 494353 #