Teacher: Sunny Wong
導師: 王晨
Any person who participates in the series of sit and dance videos shall do so at his/her own risk. He/she shall assume all risk involved, including but not limited to all loss or stolen property, cost, claim, injury, damage, or liability sustained while participating. St. Elizabeth’s Anglican Church will not be held liable for any misfortune that may occur.
By clicking the link below, you are agreeing to the above and are certifying that you are in good health and have consulted a doctor before beginning this dance program.
免責聲明 :
任何參與坐舞視頻系列的人應自擔風險。 他/她應承擔所涉及的所有風險,包括但不限於所有損失或被盜財產、費用、索賠、傷害、損害或參與期間遭受的責任。 聖公會頌主堂對可能發生的任何不幸概不負責。