#141 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 05 18

Article by Terence Kim金卓年







在親身上課的日子,放學時我要把我的東西收拾好,乘校巴回家。在校巴上,我們要帶着口罩,人人分開坐着,所以實在有點悶。我回到家裏,首先要洗澡,然後穿上乾凈的衣服,才能摟一下媽媽和爸爸。在網上上課的日子, 我放學時只要把手提電腦關掉就行了。我不用把書包帶到任何地方,而且很快就可以摟媽媽和爸爸。還有,我絕對沒機會把做功課需要用的課本遺留在學校裏!


In-person vs. Online School: What's the Difference?

Terence Kim

I have been switching back and forth between in-person school and online school because of COVID-19. There are differences between the two situations, and I would like to share my experiences with you.

For in-person school, I wake up at 7 am in the morning. With my eyes half open, I get myself ready and have a simple breakfast. Then Daddy or Mommy drives my brother and me to school. For online school, I wake up at 8 am. More sleep for me!

I have a small breakfast, get ready to look my best in front of the camera, and join a Zoom meeting for the day.

For in-person school, I use my pencils and notebooks to take down notes that my teacher tells us to. Online school is better in this aspect. Instead of writing a lot, I use my laptop to type my notes. It’s cool and easy.

For in-person school, my classmates and I are not allowed to talk during lunchtime because we take off our masks. If we start talking, viruses will spread. For online school, I go to the kitchen at home and eat there. Even though there are no friends around, I can talk a lot with my family.

At the end of the day for in-person school, I pack my belongings and take the school bus home. On the bus, we must keep our masks on and sit far apart from one another. It is kind of boring on the bus. Once I get home, I have to shower and get into clean clothes before I can hug my mommy and daddy. Whereas for online school, I just close my laptop at the end of the school day. I don’t have to lug my school bag anywhere, and I can get a hug from my mommy and daddy much sooner. And there’s no chance of me leaving my books at school when I am supposed to bring them home for homework!

I wish I could go to school in person, but online school is still cool and convenient. And I don’t have to wear a mask at all!

#140 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 05 14

Article by Yvonne Zheng




I was up at 5 am this morning and could not go back to sleep, so I used the quiet time to prepare for Sunday School. The lesson was on the Beatitudes, specifically how following Jesus’ teachings change our hearts for good. In Chinese culture, some superstitious people change their names believing they can change their fate for a better one. Some people change their hairstyle, get new clothes and change their makeup style so they become more appealing in the eyes of others. Some people even undergo plastic surgery so that they become more beautiful. If changing your name and looks could bring you fame and fortune, would you do it? Some people think that these changes will make us happy, some think not. Do you think you will be happier through superficial changes?

Jesus comes on earth for our salvation. He teaches us how to change from within. By accepting Jesus’ love into our hearts, we allow Him to use us in ways that reveal His love and glory to the world. Wouldn’t it be more effective than changing our outside appearance? Wouldn’t it make us happier? But why are people still going for superficial changes? There must be a “catch”. Ah, changing our outside is actually much easier than changing our inside. Everyone has their own baggage, their own worries, and things that they hold tightly to. As a result, there is no room for God. If you stay still and listen, you may hear Jesus knocking at the door. You might want to open the door, but find it is blocked. Similar to spring cleaning, let us throw out all the junk that is blocking the doorway. Let Jesus into your heart. Let him change you.

Lord, we pray that you come into our hearts. Change us, renew us. Let our renewed actions bring glory to your name. Amen.

#139 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 05 11

Article by Joanne Loo








Brotherly Love in the Pandemic

Joanne Loo

During this pandemic, I have found that my children’s adaptability and their relationship with each other were even better than I had imagined. Here, I would like to share three incidents involving B (my older son) and T (my younger son) in March and April.

1. At school, the students must be physically distanced. As much as possible, different classes use the outdoor spaces at different times. Usually when my boys arrive at school in the morning, they would give each other a hug before going down separate hallways to their respective classrooms. One day, T’s class was going to use the outdoor space after B’s class finished. The younger one saw his brother from a distance. He ran over very quickly, and the two hugged each other instinctively. Their hug alarmed the teacher on duty from a distance. She rushed over, only to discovered that the boys who were hugging are brothers!

2. A coffee shop chain moved its “roll up the rim” activity onto smartphones. My husband collected two “rims” so that each boy could get a chance to play, and they were very happy. A few days later, my husband collected another “rim”. Since B was busy with schoolwork, my husband offered to let T play. Seeing that there was only one opportunity to play, T would rather not play. He wanted his dad to collect another chance so that he and his older brother can play together.

3. At the beginning of April, the school requested that all students bring home all their books and stationery items. B has a big, wheeled school bag that he could roll along, while T’s school bag is a backpack. Each person still needed an additional large bag to fit everything, and that would be heavy. In the afternoon, the school bus arrived. When the door opened, the little brother was carrying his school bag on his back, and his arms were hugging two thick jackets. The big brother first hauled in two bags full of books and stationery items, before rolling his big school bag into the house. Apparently, T could not lift his extra bag and asked his older brother for help. B already had to roll his school bag and carry his own extra bag. If he had to carry his younger brother’s extra bag as well, it would have been difficult to bring along his own jacket. The two brothers decided to swap items and help each other. Problem solved.

As a mother, I feel so warm. Thank you, God.

#138 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 05 07

Article by Mandy Li

近日香港電視台舉辦了一個星藝比賽的節目,叫“星夢傳奇”,講一班年青人積極發揮自己嘅聲藝天份能力,尋找自己追求嘅夢想,去比賽實現自己的理想。 現在周遭散發著白色恐怖嘅疫情,日常生活中不免有憂戚,沉悶,不開懷嘅心情。在久未看到舉辦此類有青春,有活力嘅節目,如在空氣中註入一股天然奔放嘅氣味,內心嘅滋味是可人的。


在訓練過程中,看到他們有哭有笑,緊張,又惶恐的表情,是又憐且惜,然而表現仍熱誠不減,目標堅持,努力不懈,拖住疲累嘅身軀(因有些参赛者是要工作的)不停練習,還要能抗壓,(除了面对多評判員,还要在眾人面前接受批評)才能把握到自己站在台前繼續競爭。 比賽,不論輸贏,都會先給他們一個like。



#137 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 05 04 Article by Joel Chiu




#136 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 04 30

作者 Article by Billy Ng


上星期我在一次多倫多教區外展基金撥款委員會的會議中,其中一間教會於申請撥款時,主任牧師用路加福音5:1 - 3節的經文,來鼓勵他們的教友,如何將現時疫症大流行的危難轉化為機會。


「耶穌站在革尼撒勒湖邊,群眾在祂周圍擁擠着,要聽上帝的話語。(當然當時沒有完善的影音系統,及網上直播,如何能使群眾聽道呢?) 耶穌看見有兩條船停在湖邊,漁夫卻離了船,正在洗網。祂就上了西門 (即日後的使徒彼得) 的那條船,請他把船划出去,稍微離岸,然後坐下,從船上教導群眾。」(路加福音5:1 – 3)





「不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為神的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。」(羅馬書 12:2)


#135 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 04 27

作者 Article by Margaret Loo


在四月十日頌主堂『復興與更新』退修會中,李思敬牧師帶領我們認識『更新』的意思, 『更新』是神自己的工作,『 更新』不是我們自己去做些甚麼, 而是將眼光, 從自己身上轉移到上主的作為。 李牧師更進一步教導我們,神『更新』發生在歷史當中,如果我們願意張開眼睛,透過聖經, 透過歷史事實,我們會看見神的子民是活在神的掌管中。我們所信的, 是一位掌管,改變, 更新的神。今天, 我希望藉著李思敬牧師的教導, 透過一個聖經人物的故事,學習關於神在這聖經人物的身上更新的作為,我選擇的聖經人物是雅各。

雅各的故事,主要記載在創世記。雅各是猶太人十二支派的始祖, 有學者指出,他的前半生的主題是『相爭』, 他凡事都要和人爭,一定要贏。 雅各年青時, 是一個聰明但十分工於心計的人, 他不擇手段,非常自我中心。他騙了孖生哥哥以掃的長子名份, 又冒認為以掃,騙了父親給長子的祝福,以掃要殺雅各報仇, 雅各因此離家逃亡,投靠舅父拉班,兩人互相利用, 互相欺騙, 雅各雖然娶了拉班的兩個女兒和她們的兩個婢女為妻,並生了十一個兒子,結果在投靠拉班二十年後,拉班和雅各兩家人關係因利害衝突而破裂, 雅各帶著一家大小, 僕人, 牲畜及積聚的財產, 踏上返回祖家 的路, 並打算與兄長以掃會面。

在回祖家的路上,當雅各得知以掃正帶著四百人向他的方向走來,他十分懼怕和愁煩,認為以掃要報仇, 於是一方面向神禱告,另一方面, 搞盡腦汁, 徹夜作出安排,將所有家人和 牲畜等分兩隊送過河, 然後,雅各一人獨自留下。而神 就在雅各孤立無援時臨近他,與他摔跤,勝不過他,就令他大腿瘸了。又賜他新名字, 叫以色列, 因他與神與人較力, 都得了勝。

雅各與神相遇後, 與以掃見面,出現極感人場面,雅各和以掃,兩個爭利成仇的兄弟,擁抱痛哭,修好如初。雅各不但向以掃送出大群牲畜作禮 物, 並將從以掃騙了的祝福, 歸還給哥哥。

那一晚,雅各與神相遇, 有聖經學者說:『雅各從此脫胎換骨』

另一位聖經學者說:『雅各能面對以掃,是明白祝福不是自己爭回來的,祝福是從神而來的 !』

我相信, 得了新名字的雅各 ,是得了神更新的恩典的雅各!

#134 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 04 23

作者 Article by Chivas Chu

在剛過去的網上退修會當中,有兩點我是特別深刻而確認的。 第一點,就是深切感受到「人的更新」是上帝祂的工作。在過去幾年間,我不段地留意到神在自己身上的工作。例如在我對許多事情上,跟以前有了很不同的看法。是上帝改變了我的看法。對人與人之間的不同看法和態度,不再是著重表面所見的,而是某人的內心。身邊的人所講的某些事,都會先消化後,去分析和可以的話再去加以求証。對一些我不太喜歡的人,我也開始嘗試為他們祈禱。我對親人朋友們的關心,與他們分享福音的心也急切了。還有,我要感謝天父的是,祂對我的更新,跟各人也一樣,是不斷的,是現在進行式的,和是漸進式的。就好像去更換金魚缸裏的水一樣,祂清楚明白我們,如果祂一次過去全部換上新的水,相信我這條金魚也會感到不適應以致在學習跟隨主的路上一命嗚呼!相信這是上主祂知道而不想看見的。而在我重複聽了李牧師的分享三、四次之後,我也開始知道自己對聖經的認識尚淺,但我並沒有因此而感到羞愧,反而內心有種激勵要自己在聖經的話語上多花點時間去思考和追求。


#133 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 04 20

作者 Article by Wilson Loo

四月某星期六早晨,疫情第三波居家令生效兩日,笨驢與老伴吃過早餐,急急走到書房,準備開啟電腦,參與教堂『復興與更新』網上退修會, 入到書房,見小天使已大模廝樣的坐在電腦前。

『喂, 小鬼頭, 怎麼啦,今早怎麼不去後院跟松鼠們玩耍,要做個宅居天使乎?』笨驢問『不』小天使一本正經答道,『想聽聽那個『復興與更新』退修會,看看兩講者對現今全球疫情二波未平,三波又起,每個人都身處水深火熱之困境下,帶出甚麼『正能量』,好讓我小天使學習學習.以便同街坊分享!』

退修會準時開始,小天使正襟危坐。 全神貫注,屏着呼吸, 一口氣由頭聽到尾,到曲終人散,舒一口氣,頻點頭,曰,『精彩,精彩』, 轉過頭來問笨驢曰,『你可明白講者所言嗎?』

笨驢稍作思索, 曰,『余主教的『更新的腳步』講到教會長大成人,應滿有基督成長的身量,不應再作小孩子,信徒應各盡自己恩賜,建立教會, 用愛心說誠實話,他更介紹幾則人事管理及信徒溝通之手則, 及處理衝突之方法, , 對教會的更新,乃肺腑之言也』. 『你呢,小鬼頭,可有甚麼分享?』

小天使滿有得著的說,『李牧師的『看哪, 我將一切都更新了』講論,如黃河之水,萬馬奔騰,滔滔不絕,又似連珠炮, 彈無虛發,他開門見山指出更新是上帝的工作,人是問題所在,而新天新地不是在遙遠的將來,因為神不斷在更新,論述握要,發人深省; 跟著他藉著啟示錄第廿壹章的新耶路撒冷,提出明白更新的三條鎖匙,首先,由城門的十二支派名字,指出神是更新的神,十二支派在舊約的歷史裏面有著無數個人及民族被神更新的例子;然後由城牆十二根基使徒名字,指出神藉著神的道,主耶穌的福音進行更新的工作,更新人與神, 人與人. 人與『羅馬』及『外邦人』的關係; 最後,從城門的十二顆珍珠及其舊約典故,指出神對我們的苦難困境是極之看重. 在結語中李牧師呼籲大家讓聖靈帶領,辯識神的旨意,看看神在此時此地, 特別在此困苦時刻,在做甚麼,更新甚麼? 自己? 家庭? 教會?叫我們憑信心盼望,謙卑等候,祈禱倚靠。』

小天使說畢, 望著笨驢,四目交投,各自心中千言萬語,不知從何說起,唯有閉目合十祈禱交託,求天父憐憫,帶領復興更新,榮神益人。阿們。

Early one Saturday morning in April, when the stay home order due to the third wave of the Covid pandemic was announced two days ago, stubborn donkey and spouse had just finished their breakfast. They hurried into their study, hoping to turn on their computer for the “Restore and Renew” online retreat. They found that little Angel was already there, sitting in front of the computer like someone really important.

“Hello, naughty one, why are you not out in the backyard playing with your squirrel friends?” Asked stubborn donkey.

“Nope”. Little Angel answered seriously. “I want to listen to that “Restore and Renew” retreat. I want to see what the two speakers have to say and what “positive energy” they have to offer when the whole world is brought to its knees by this Covid-19 virus, now that the third wave is savaging fiercely, even the second wave has not fully subsided. I really want to learn from them and share it with my friends.

The retreat started on time. Little Angel sat upright, fully concentrating. He held his breath, and listen attentively from start to the very end. As the retreat drew to a close, little Angle exclaimed, “splendid!, splendid.” He turned and asked stubborn donkey, “ do you understand what the speakers said?”

Stubborn donkey paused and said, “ In Bishop Yu’s talk on ‘Renewed step’, he talked about the church growing up to be an adult, saying that being a grown up, he should not act like a child anymore but rather possess the qualities of Christ our Lord. The faithful should make the best use of their gifts from God to serve the church. They should speak the truth in love. He also introduced to us some useful and practical aspects in human management and communication strategies and conflict resolution. I think they are very appropriate and thought provoking, and indeed very helpful for reviving and renewing a church.”

“How about you, little naughty?” Little Angel, feeling very satisfied with what he has learned, said, “ Rev. Lee’s talk on “I am making everything new” made me feel as if I was crossing the rapids in Yellow River, with waters powering by my side and like it was never-ending. Never is one word wasted! Right from the start, he pointed out that renewal was God’s work. Men actually were where problems lie. And the “new heaven and new earth” were not in the distant future, because God was constantly renewing in history. The message was so succinct and to the point, and really thought provoking. Then Rev. Lee used the “new Jerusalem” passage from Revelation chapter 21 to illustrate the three keys in understanding renewal. First, he pointed out that the names of the twelve tribes on the twelve gates reminded us of the fact that our God was God of renewal. He had been constantly doing renewal in Israel throughout history, from the patriarchs onwards. Second, he noted that the names of the twelve apostles on the 12 foundations of the wall of the city denoted the gospel. He cited examples whereby God used his word and the gospel to renew and revive relationships- men with men, men with God, men with “Rome” and “gentiles”. Thirdly, Rev. Lee noted that the 12 gates were each made of a pearl. Quoting from the old testament, Rev. Lee indicated this denoted that God was very concerned and cared about our sufferings. In the conclusion, Rev. Lee asked us to humble ourselves, to let the Holy Spirit guide us and help us to discern the will of God, to try to understand what our God is doing and renewing at this time and this place, especially during such difficult times. He put forward a question for us, “Is He renewing ourselves, our families or our church?” Rev. Lee reminded us to have faith in the Lord, to pray for his guidance and to trust Him.

Little Angel paused and stared at stubborn donkey. Both were deeply moved, having millions of words in their hearts but not knowing how to express them. They closed their eyes in prayers, lifting everything to the loving hands of the Lord, praying for His mercy, guidance and renewal, to glorify God. Amen.

#132 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 04 16

作者 Article by 王 晨


经过一年的疫情, 防疫针终于来到并开始注射, 战胜新冠有了希望。加拿大本身不产疫苗, 政府出资向全球不同的国家购买, 预计可以在今年九月完成百分之七十五以上的注射目标。只有当人口的百分之七十五以上注射了疫苗, 防疫才能起到作用。

目标是目标, 实施起来并不容易。 因为疫苗是从外购买, 到货并不稳定。 打打停停, 注射计划及年龄组别也需不断修改。

疫苗的有效期现在还是一个未知数,一些研究结果显示可以有效3个月, 莫德纳疫苗在接种过第二剂后, 有效期可达6个月, 并且对变种病毒也有防疫作用。

目前在加拿大有四种疫苗, 分别是:莫德纳,辉瑞,阿斯利康和强生,免疫效率各有不同, 从百分之六十几到百分之九十几, 有的疫苗需要在零下八十度保存, 这也局限了疫苗的注射地点。

注射疫苗是现在唯一可以控制疫情的手段, 所以每个市民都需要接受注射, 起到保护自己保护他人, 尽快战胜病毒的效应。 当然有些人的身体状况和病症不适合注射疫苗, 最好咨询自己的家庭医生才做决定。

疫苗的接种可以通过打电话和上网预约。 安省有政府的网页, 各地区也有自己的网页, 还有医务机构的网页。在密市, 我们可以用市政府的网页也可用Trillium 医院的网页。 以下是市政府和Trillium 医院的网页。



恳求上帝帮我们尽快战胜病毒, 生活回归正常


Sunny Wong

After a year of pandemic, the vaccine finally arrived and started to be injected, there is hope for defeat the Covid-19. Canada itself does not produce vaccines. The government has invested in purchases from different countries around the world. It is expected that more than 75% of the injection target can be achieved in September this year. Only when more than 75% of the population is vaccinated, the prevention works.

Goals are goals, the implementation is not easy. Because the vaccine is purchased from other countries, the delivery is not stable. The injection plan with the age group also needs to be changed continuously.

The validity period of the vaccine is still unknown. Some studies have shown that it can be effective for 3 months. After the second dose of the Modena vaccine, the validity period can reach 6 months, and it also has an anti-epidemic effect on the variant virus.

There are currently four vaccines in Canada, they are: Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Janssen. The immunization efficiency varies from 60%+ to 90%+. Some vaccines need to stored at -80 degrees, which also limits the place where the vaccine can be injected.

Vaccination is now the only way to control the pandemic, so every citizen needs to receive the injection to protect themselves and others, to defeat the virus as soon as possible. Of course, some people have physical conditions and illnesses that are not suitable for vaccination. It is best to consult their family doctor before making a decision.

The vaccination appointment can be booked by phone and online. Ontario has a government website, each region has its own website, and there are also websites for medical institutions. In Mississauga, we can use Peel Region’s website or the Trillium HealthPartners’s website. Below are the links to Peel Region and Trillium HealthPartners.



Pray to God for help us defeat the virus and return to our normal life as soon as possible!

#131 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 04 13

作者 Article by Bonny Kwok



在默想的時候,回想在人生順境的時候,當然感受到這是上帝的禮物! 但當人生遇到逆境,在苦難、死亡、疾病、恐懼、茫然不知所措... 這些仍是上帝的禮物嗎?上帝在這逆境更新了什麼?





如你在這次退修會當中,有所得著,鼓勵你在 "疫中情" 與我們分享。願上帝繼續祝福大家,在疫情中有從上而來的平安,面對每一天。

“凡事謙虛、溫柔、忍耐,用愛心互相寬容, 用和平彼此聯絡,竭力保守聖靈所賜合而為一的心。”

(以弗所書 4:2-3)

My Reflection on Our Online Retreat

Rev. SK Lee reminded us that renewal is God’s work, and God has never stopped His work of renewal. We must humble ourselves before God, ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see, and to meditate on His Words in our lives. How is God’s work of renewal present in my life today? In my own life? In my family and children? Friends? Career? Church and ministry?

When I meditate on the sweet moments of my life, I naturally view these as gifts from God! But when I encounter suffering, death, sickness, fear, or loss, I ask “Are these still God’s gifts?” What can God renew during adversity? When I look back, I can see that through these experiences, I have learned more about myself and I have gained a deeper relationship with God. He made me weak to let me understand that He is constantly supporting me. It is God who fulfils me. Through this, I can rely on His grace and mercy instead of my own ability. He made me lack, and allowed me to experience the abundance of life, which lies in sharing with others. He made me incompetent to let me discover His Almighty and to understand the purpose of my life. I am deeply moved. God continually renews me in adversity. Because of this, I am learning to cherish the things around me and my relationship between friends and family by the Grace of our Lord.

During the preparation of our online retreat, we were forced to make some adjustments due to various reasons including government policy changes regarding the pandemic. However, His Grace was abundant. When I invited people to be group facilitators, the positive responses we received gave us lots of encouragement. The number of participants exceeded our expectations and the attendance rate was 100%. I had the opportunity to listen in on all the groups during group discussion time. It was exciting to see all the participants actively sharing and looking forward to the future development of the church’s ministry. Don’t you agree that God is not just renewing us individually, but collectively as a church?

Everyone agrees that the pandemic has changed our daily lives tremendously. Indeed, there will be some irreversible changes in our church ministry. However, we are all hopefully looking out for new opportunities to continue our ministry amid the pandemic. Together, we remember his abundance in the times we have we served together in the past and we look forward to excitedly participating in new forms of ministry moving forward.

The retreat organizing committee and the group facilitators will hold an evaluation meeting this week. Through group discussion, we will discuss the future direction and the new model of Cantonese ministry. I encourage you to share with us your reflection from our online retreat through "Love in Pandemic" updates. May God continue to bless you and keep you, from above, to face your daily challenges during the pandemic.

“With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

(Ephesians 4:2-3)

#130 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 04 09

作者 Article by Yvonne Zheng

一個月前收到了大表姊寄來的電郵。這位表姊在六零年代已經移民温哥華。我從來未見過她的真面目。只知她是一位醫生。年紀大到可以做我母親。她是借朋友是聖公會教友的關係, 輾轉得到我妹妹的電郵地址聯絡我們。原來她在退休後寫了幾本書, 有學術性的、也有歷史性的。她聯絡上妹妹和我的目的是為要收集關於她父係家族的資料。用意是要編輯成一本給下一代尋根的網上書。妹妹工作忙, 做資料尋集和寫文章的任務交了給我。忙了幾星期, 文章和舊照片一一寄出。終於可以安靜坐下, 總結一下, 這次為下一代做的事對我自己有甚麼意義。我母親家兄姊眾多。各舅父姨母的後代四散各地。加拿大、美國、英國、澳州都有他們的蹤跡。只有一兩個還在香港居住。其實除了我的表兄、表姊外, 我的堂兄和堂姐妹們也是四散各地的。

有人說落葉歸根。我的根在何處? 我兩個女兒是在加拿大出生的華人。 她們的根在何處? 小孫女是加中混血兒。她的根又在何處? 根是不是很重要? 我們的根是不是和我們的存在价值有不可分割的關係 ? 在現實生活中, 我們的膚色、我們的國藉、我們的傳統都為我們的生活帶來方便或不便。在上帝國度裏, 我們的存在為的是榮耀祂。在上帝的國度裏, 膚色、國藉和傳統都不重要。那裏有愛, 那裏便是上帝的國。


I received an email from my oldest cousin on my mother’s side a month ago. This cousin moved to Vancouver in the ’60s and I have never been in contact with her. I only know that she is a doctor and she is old enough to be my mother. She found my sister and me through a mutual church friend who moved from Toronto to Vancouver. The reason she looked for us is because she is in the process of compiling a book about her father’s family and wants to gather information on my mother’s life. It seems that retired people are into writing books. My own father wrote 2 about his family and his experience as a banker in Hong Kong. This cousin has already written 5 books since her retirement - some academic, and some historic. I talked to her over the phone and she explained to me that the book is going to be in PDF format and will be circulated within the family so the next generation gets to know about their family history. She has already contacted a few cousins and they have agreed to help. My part is to contribute an article written in English about my mother and to send her some old family photographs. I spent a few weeks looking through family pictures, old documents, my father’s books, and my parents’ obituaries for information. Finally, I wrote two pages about my mother, scanned many family photographs, and emailed everything to my cousin.

What have I learned from this experience? First, I have a very big family on my mother’s side and I have many cousins whom I have not met. Second, they are spread all over the world including Canada, U.S.A., Australia, Britain with one or two remaining in Hong Kong or China. Third, my cousin is worried that the children of the next generation will lose their “roots” because they do not know much information about their parents and grandparents, and most of them only speak English.

There is an old Chinese saying: “When a leaf falls, it goes back to its roots.” Where are my “roots”? My girls are born in Canada. Where are their “roots”? My granddaughter is bi-racial. Where are her “roots”? Does knowing our “roots” make a difference in our life or our value? In real life, our skin colour, our race, our nationality, and our culture may provide us with some conveniences or some inconveniences in life. In God’s kingdom, our existence is for the sole purpose of bringing Him glory. Skin colour, race, nationality, and cultural differences are not important. Where there is love, there is God’s kingdom.

Many people put great importance in finding one’s “roots” because doing that will help them figure out who they are or where they belong. Being a Christian adds another dimension to our “roots”. We belong to God. Our place is in God’s kingdom.

#129 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 04 06

作者 Article by Joanne Loo




錄音的一個好處是可以把唱或彈得不好的詩歌重新再錄,而少量的走音也可以用電腦軟件稍作補救。製作聖樂的人的心意其實都是想把最好的獻給神和祂的教會,而這些科技上的小幫忙不但減低唱或彈的壓力,還可以讓剛開始參與聖樂製作的孩子們(和家長們)安心一點。不過,為免聖樂部部員因為過分追求完美而試錄十多二十次,我有時會提醒他們:就算錄出來不完美,詩歌只要盡量少錯,並能帶領會衆更加親近神,那就可以了。另外, 我們發現錄音做聖樂還有兩個意料之外的好處。首先,以前因爲時間不合而不能參與聖樂活動的弟兄姐妹,現在都可以參與製作了。還有,我們把錄好的詩歌放在社交網站上,大家再互相分享,以至教堂以外的朋友也有機會分享我們的喜樂呢。


Making music in the pandemic

Joanne Loo

Starting from last June, the Music Ministry department began to produce audio and video recordings for sacred music, so that we could play them during online worship services. Our virtual choir has also presented three anthems, and the effect was encouraging. I would like to write about my experience in the making of church music for the past nine months.

When we started making recordings, we had to consider the location and time for the process. Some had to avoid noises from construction sites and neighbours’ washrooms, while others had to wait until their children went to sleep before they could record. At the same time, we also faced technical difficulties. Aside from choosing suitable recording equipment and software, we had to find ways to store and transfer the massive files. Nevertheless, all of us persevered, and I am happy to report that we are finally on track. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all the members of the Music Ministry.

An advantage of recording is that we can re-sing or re-play songs. We can also use computer software to rescue minor pitch inaccuracies. Our team members would like to give our best to God and His Church, and the technology has decreased the pressure of recording for both experienced musicians as well as the budding ones (and their parents). However, to discourage Music Ministry members from unreasonable pursuit of perfection, I sometimes remind them: Even if the result is not perfect, as long as the recorded song contains as few errors as possible, and as long as it brings parishioners closer to God, that is sufficient. Meanwhile, we unexpectedly discovered two wonderful advantages of recording church music. Previously, some brothers and sisters could not join Music Ministry because of time conflicts, but they can all take part in the music production now. In addition, we have been uploading music recordings onto social media websites, and even people outside of our church can also share our joy.

When I listen to our team members’ recordings of songs and hymns, I truly feel their vivid emotions. In hymn recordings for Good Friday, I hear their pain; in the choir anthem video for Easter, I see their joy. In the whole process of sacred music production, I have experienced the serious attitude that our brothers and sisters have for serving. I have also witnessed their close relationship with God. Not only do I enjoy listening to the music that our team members produce, but my soul has also been touched. I am grateful to God.

#128 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 04 02

作者 Article by Elaine Wong




















































#127 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 03 30

作者 Article by Grace Liu

疫中情- 生命牆

我住處露台對開有一道生命牆 living wall.





#126 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 03 26

作者 Article by Terence Kim金卓年 (盧頌欣譯)

一個孩子對新冠疫症一整年的看法 (“一個孩子對新冠疫症的看法”的續集)


人人都曾經期望在2021 年,防疫針會來臨,而新冠疫症會消失。防疫針確實面世了,但分配得很慢,到現在還有新的病例出現。防疫針只是可以讓成年人用,我和其他孩子們都未能打這防疫針。


2020 是很困難的一年,希望2021 年以下的日子可以好過吧!

(本文版權:© Terence Kim 2021)

A Child's Perspective of A Whole Year of COVID-19 (The Sequel to Love in Pandemic A Child's Perspective to Covid 19)

Terence Kim

It has now been a year after the pandemic began to affect southern Ontario. To this day, there are still active COVID cases in Canada and around the world. In my first article for Love in Pandemic, I chose to write on how COVID-19 impacted me. Now, I am writing about how I feel about it after a whole year.

Everyone had hoped 2021 would be the year in which vaccines would arrive and COVID-19 would be gone. Vaccines have been made but the distribution is slow, and there are still more COVID cases to this day. Vaccines are only available for adults. Children including me cannot get the vaccine just yet.

In January, I was stuck in online school because of the lockdown. We all knew that it was going to be like this, but there was one thing that we still are not used to: not seeing each other in person. It was so nice to be in school together before the Christmas holidays, but COVID separated us again. Fortunately, we could go to school in person again starting in February, but we have to be extra careful about distancing and masks. Some friends stayed online, so they could not see me in person. A few days ago, some of the online students came back to school in person, and we are so happy together. We all enjoy in-person school so much more than online school, and we have really learned to treasure our time together.

2020 has been a rough year. Let’s hope the rest of 2021 is good.

(Copyright of the text © Terence Kim, 2021)

#125 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 03 23

作者 Article by 陳鳳屏

病疫逾年惹人煩 众人均已意䦨珊 幸有疫苗來接種 期望早日渡難関

自古世事難意料 喜樂憂患主旨意 一切均由衪主宰 無須過問因何在

宇宙萬物神所創 各按其時成美好 人類亦為祂塑造 始祖亜當與夏娃

父賜善美伊甸園 盡享平安與喜樂 無奈經不起考验 未有遵從神所言

竟然偷食了禁果 自此逐離伊甸園 自由安逸不復再 世人因而受試煉

經歷艱辛與禍患 甜酸苦辣皆品嚐 幸蒙上主施憐憫 方能擺脱各災殃

一江春水向東流 僅記歡樂莫記愁 老來萬事無苛求 惟望主恩在心頭

#124 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 03 19

作者 Article by Joel Chiu

手頭所有截至星期三黃昏資料,安省新增1,508 宗疫病個案,連續11 天逾 千宗,並多14 人不治;新增病例中,多倫多有542 人,皮爾區253,約克區107;省內現時有300 名患者需要接受深切治療,乃超過一個月以來重上300水平。安省至今有近32 萬2 千人確診(人口百分率是百分之2.2),其中30 萬2 千人已康復;死亡病例增至7,187,死亡率百分之2.23(人口比例接近萬分之五)。








#123 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 03 16

作者 Article By Billy Ng

去年昨日2020 年3 月15 日,多倫多教區宣布從當日起,暫停所有實體崇拜,相信當時大部分的人,都沒有估計到疫情是那麼長久、那麼嚴重。隨著政府開始疫苗注射計劃,大家都盼望著生活能早日回復正常,可是,同時間政府也為第三波疾情作準備,有時候都不知如何是好? 這景況令我想起聖經裏的一個故事。

昔日摩西帶領以色列人逃離埃及,預備進入應許地,在曠野裏流浪40 年,到摩西死後,這重任交予約書亞,人民都不知何時才能進入應許地,同時,周圍的敵人不斷的攻擊他們,耶和華對約書亞說:「不要懼怕,也不要驚惶,因為你無論往哪裏去,耶和華你的神必與你同在。」 (約書亞記 1:9 下)


還記得去年一月尾,我在講道分享時,我們「蒙福呼召」,有時候我們需要離開自己現在的舒適圈,“ Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” 其實不一定要等到疫情過後,才去處理及推動,關懷社區 、建立愛的群體的工作。正因如此,我們粵語事工於4 月10 日星期六上午,將推出網上退修會「復興與更新」,希望在這等候及預備的期間,我們一起探討,教會日後的事工發展方向。

盼望大家抽空,一同參予這次為頌主堂,設立的首次網上退修會,透過兩位重量級的講員,李思敬牧師及余天錫主教,能啟發我們一起思考、探索教會未來的方向。我們相信,我們既然蒙福呼召,經歷這次疫情,上帝也會對我們作出同樣的承諾,「不要懼怕,也不要驚惶,因為你無論往哪裏去,耶和華你的神必與你同在。」 (約書亞記 1:9 下)

A year ago yesterday, on March 15, 2020, the Diocese of Toronto announced that it would suspend all in-person worship at churches for the foreseeable future. I believed that most of us at that time did not expect the pandemic to be so long and severe. As the government starts the vaccination program, everyone hopes that life will soon return to normal. However, at the same time, the government is also preparing for the third wave of the virus. Sometimes we do not know what to do. The current situation we are facing now reminds me of a Bible story.

In this story, Moses led the Israelites to flee Egypt in order to enter the Promised Land. They wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. After Moses died, this responsibility was given to Joshua. People did not know when they would be able to enter the Promised Land. At the same time, the surrounding enemies kept attacking them. The Lord said to Joshua: "Do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9b)

Although we do not know when we can return to church to worship and to take part in ministry together, we can plan and prepare for the future during this time. After all, our daily lives and needs will not be completely stopped because of the pandemic. I believe that God will be with us no matter what circumstances we are in.

I remember that in my sermon at the end of January last year, I reminded everyone how we were "blessed to be called". Sometimes we need to leave our comfort zone. As the saying goes, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”. You do not have to wait until the pandemic is over and only then to care for the needy and build a loving community. For this reason, our Cantonese Ministry is launching an online retreat themed "Revive, Restore and Renewal" on the morning of Saturday, April 10th, conducted in Cantonese. We hope that during this waiting season, we can discuss and explore the vision of the church's ministry.

I hope that everyone will take time to participate in our first online retreat. Our two keynote speakers, Rev. Stephen Lee and Bishop Patrick Yu, will inspire us to think and explore the future direction of the church. . We believe that since we have been blessed to be called and are experiencing this pandemic, God will make the same promise to us today, "Do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

#122 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 03 12

作者 Article by Margaret Loo


二零二一年三月可以說是安省 新冠疫情的轉捩點。

根據安省政府三月 五日的宣佈,安省現在一共有四種疫苗可以安排為省民接種。第二階段接種計劃於 4 月 開始,這計劃其中一個目標是在6月底之前,為所有60歲及以上的成年人提供第一劑COVID-19疫苗。

這的確是令人興奮的好消息。有些人已開始計劃旅行和籌備聚會, 希望盡快打針,重拾自由。

但亦有一些人,對接種疫苗有很多的問題, 例如: 接種疫苗後,免疫何時開始?會不會因接種疫苗而染上新冠?免疫能持續多久?

我相信每一個預備打新冠疫苗的人, 都有興趣知道這些和其他問題的答案。但大家不用担心,加拿大政府網站和世界衛生組織網站都提供豐富的有關參考資料。 而跟據一位已接種疫苗的人士的經驗, 打完針,會收到一份 『新冠疫苗接種後護理指示 』( Covid-19 vaccine after care sheet ),詳細列出針後要留意的事項。這份資料也可以在衛生部網站下載。


『 替我打針的醫護人員告訴我,完成兩劑接種後, 不代表我不會感染病毒,只是感染後症狀輕微, 不至於會死。 為避免自己成為帶菌者,把病毒傳播開去,接種後應該繼續帶口罩, 與人保持社交距離,做足預防措施, 不可鬆懈,直至全民接種數據達到群體免疫效果』


Covid-19 Vaccine Margaret Loo

March 2021 may be the turning point in Ontario's Covid-19 pandemic.

According to an announcement by the Ontario government on March 5, there will be four vaccines available for the people of Ontario. The second phase of the vaccination plan will start in April. One of the goals of this plan is to provide the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine to all adults 60 years of age and above by the end of June.

This is indeed exciting good news. Some people have started planning trips and preparing gatherings. They hope to get the vaccine as soon as possible and regain their freedom.

But there are also some people who have many questions about the vaccines. Some of the questions are: After vaccination, when will immunity kick in? Will I get the Covid-19 from vaccination? How long can immunity last?

I believe that everyone who is preparing to get the new Covid-19 vaccine is interested to know the answers to these and other related questions. But no need to worry. The Canadian government website and the World Health Organization website provide useful information related to these questions. According to a person who has just been vaccinated, you will receive a “Covid-19 vaccine after care sheet” (Covid-19 vaccine after care sheet). The sheet provides details on the things one should do after the injection. This sheet can also be downloaded from the Ministry of Health website.

I recently read an article about vaccination in the newspaper. The author interviewed several people who had just received the vaccination. The following is a reminder from one of the interviewees.

“The medical staff who gave me the vaccination cautioned me that having the vaccine does not mean that I will not be infected. Rather, with vaccination, the symptoms are mild even after an infection and I will probably not die from the infection. In order to prevent myself from becoming a carrier and spreading the virus, I should continue to wear a mask after vaccination, maintain social distancing and take all necessary preventive measures. I should not relax until the national vaccination data indicate that herd immunity has been reached.”

Vaccination is a choice that you should make to protect yourself, your family and your community”.

Information on Covid-19 from the following websites:

MOH Covid -19 website

