2021 04 06
作者 Article by Joanne Loo
錄音的一個好處是可以把唱或彈得不好的詩歌重新再錄,而少量的走音也可以用電腦軟件稍作補救。製作聖樂的人的心意其實都是想把最好的獻給神和祂的教會,而這些科技上的小幫忙不但減低唱或彈的壓力,還可以讓剛開始參與聖樂製作的孩子們(和家長們)安心一點。不過,為免聖樂部部員因為過分追求完美而試錄十多二十次,我有時會提醒他們:就算錄出來不完美,詩歌只要盡量少錯,並能帶領會衆更加親近神,那就可以了。另外, 我們發現錄音做聖樂還有兩個意料之外的好處。首先,以前因爲時間不合而不能參與聖樂活動的弟兄姐妹,現在都可以參與製作了。還有,我們把錄好的詩歌放在社交網站上,大家再互相分享,以至教堂以外的朋友也有機會分享我們的喜樂呢。
Making music in the pandemic
Joanne Loo
Starting from last June, the Music Ministry department began to produce audio and video recordings for sacred music, so that we could play them during online worship services. Our virtual choir has also presented three anthems, and the effect was encouraging. I would like to write about my experience in the making of church music for the past nine months.
When we started making recordings, we had to consider the location and time for the process. Some had to avoid noises from construction sites and neighbours’ washrooms, while others had to wait until their children went to sleep before they could record. At the same time, we also faced technical difficulties. Aside from choosing suitable recording equipment and software, we had to find ways to store and transfer the massive files. Nevertheless, all of us persevered, and I am happy to report that we are finally on track. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all the members of the Music Ministry.
An advantage of recording is that we can re-sing or re-play songs. We can also use computer software to rescue minor pitch inaccuracies. Our team members would like to give our best to God and His Church, and the technology has decreased the pressure of recording for both experienced musicians as well as the budding ones (and their parents). However, to discourage Music Ministry members from unreasonable pursuit of perfection, I sometimes remind them: Even if the result is not perfect, as long as the recorded song contains as few errors as possible, and as long as it brings parishioners closer to God, that is sufficient. Meanwhile, we unexpectedly discovered two wonderful advantages of recording church music. Previously, some brothers and sisters could not join Music Ministry because of time conflicts, but they can all take part in the music production now. In addition, we have been uploading music recordings onto social media websites, and even people outside of our church can also share our joy.
When I listen to our team members’ recordings of songs and hymns, I truly feel their vivid emotions. In hymn recordings for Good Friday, I hear their pain; in the choir anthem video for Easter, I see their joy. In the whole process of sacred music production, I have experienced the serious attitude that our brothers and sisters have for serving. I have also witnessed their close relationship with God. Not only do I enjoy listening to the music that our team members produce, but my soul has also been touched. I am grateful to God.