June 9th, 2024 3rd Sunday after Pentecost

  1. Lay Pastoral Associate Part-Time Position Recruitment

    • St. Elizabeth's is seeking a part-time Lay Pastoral Associate who will enable new ministry and assist Priest-in-charge in parish ministry. The position will be approx 15 - 20 hours per week with flexibility to accommodate evenings and weekends. There may be extended hours on occasions when required. See the full job posting for more details. To apply, submit a resume and cover letter to Rev. Siu Chun Leung and Churchwardens at info@stechurch.com before June 22,2024.

  2. Mission Ministry Upcoming Events

    1. Cantonese Gospel Music & Sharing Event

    o    Date & Time: Sat July 13 9am-noon

    o    Venue: St. E

    o    Content: Breakfast, music, sharing

    o    Cost: Free

    2. St. E Community Garden Network

    o    Mission Ministry will have Community Garden Network again this year. On the third Sunday of each month, we will collect fresh vegetables grown or purchased by church members and donate them to families in need in our community.

    o    If you are willing to share your loving produce, please bring them to church on the following Sundays:

    o    July 21, August 18, September 15, October 20

    o    If you have any questions, please contact Bonny at mission@stechurch.com

    3. St. E Community Garden

    o    With your sincere prayers, we are grateful and excited to announce to everyone that the “St. E Community Garden" project has received the support of the diocese with a grant of $5,000

    o    The first phase of the project will begin within a few days. We hope to provide fresh vegetables to those in need in the community in the future.

    o    We currently need a large number of volunteers to help build wooden flower planters, plant plants, and maintain vegetable gardens. If you are interested in participating, please inquire and sign up with Bonny at mission@stechurch.com

  3. English Prayer Meeting Changes to 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month

    • Beginning in June English Prayer Meetings will change from weekly to being held on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.

    • No meeting this Wednesday

    • Next meetings will be on Wed June 19 at 8pm.

  4. Sun Jun 16 10:30am Father's Day Joint Morning Prayer Service & BBQ Lunch Fellowship

    • We invite you to join us for a BBQ lunch following our Joint Morning Prayer Sunday service.

    • The lunch will take place immediately after the service, and all are welcome to attend. We encourage you to bring your family and friends to share in this special occasion with us.

    • We hope to see you there!

    • Lunch tickets can be purchased this Sunday after service:

      • Adults $10,

      • Children aged 5-12 $5

      • Children 4 or under are free.

  5. Property Management

    • The property management department is scheduled to clean and maintain the inside and outside of the church on the morning of the third Saturday of each month. We invite all church members to take time to participate in this activity. If possible, please bring your gardening tools. Interested parties please contact Paul Seto.

    • Now scheduled for the following dates:

      • June 15

      • July 20

      • August 17

      • September 21

      • October 19

    • If it rains that day, it will be postponed to the next Saturday.

  6. Pet Service and Gathering

    • We will start an animal ministry, the 1st Pet Service (Cantonese) and Gathering:

    • Date:June 29, 2024 (Saturday)

    • Time:11:00am to 1:30pm

    • Venue:Main Worship Hall

    • Content:Pet Blessing Service; Light lunch

    • Remarks:

      • 1. Please sign up early to predict the number of people and pets, and arrange lunch

      • 2. Please use animal-specific ropes, bags, or cages to bring pets for care and watch

  7. Upcoming Events

    • Sun Jun 16 10:30am Father's Day Joint Morning Prayer Service & BBQ Lunch Fellowship

    • Sun Jun 23 Guest Speaker: Rev. Antony Law

      • 10am Children & Youth led English service

      • 11:15am Cantonese Morning Prayer service

    • Sat Jun 29 11am – 1:30pm Launch of first Pet-Friendly Service (Cantonese) & light lunch

    • Sun Jun 30 10:30am Taizé Meditative Joint Service

    • Sat Jul 13 9:30am – 12pm Mission Event: Cantonese Gospel Music & Sharing

    • Sun Jul 14 Faithworks Sunday (Guest Speaker: Peter Mentis)

      • 10am English Holy Communion Service &

      • 11:15am Cantonese Holy Communion Service

    • Sat Jul 27 Morning Half Day Cantonese Retreat

    • Sat Aug 10 Morning Half Day English Retreat

      • (There will be Children’s Program & light refreshments)

  8. Links to Online Services and Other Programs

    • Sundays 11am Timothy Group

      • Age group: Grade 4 and up

      • Location: Multipurpose room

    • Sundays 11am Children Sunday School

      • Age group: toddlers to Grade 3 children

      • Location: Sunday School Classrooms

    • Sundays 11am English Faith Group for Adults

      • No Adult Faith Group scheduled Jun 9 & 16 due to Women’s Group & Joint Service

      • Next meeting: Sun June 23, 2024

      • All are welcome

      • Location: Old worship hall

    • 2nd Sundays of month 11am Women’s Group

      • Next meeting: THIS Sun June 9, 2024

      • All ladies are welcome

    • 2nd Sundays of every other month Family Fellowship

      • Next meeting: Sun July 14, 2024 after all services (~12:30pm)

      • If interested contact Ernest So or email info@stechurch.com

    • 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 8pm English Prayer Meeting on Zoom

      • No meeting this Wednesday

      • Next meeting: Wed June 19, 2024

      • If interested email info@stechurch.com

    • Fathers’ Group meets once a month

    • 2nd, 3rd, 4th Thursdays 7pm – 8:30pm Cantonese Bible Study on Zoom

      • Next Meeting: Thu June 13, 2024

      • If interested contact Margaret Loo or email info@stechurch.com

    • 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 8pm-8:45pm Cantonese Prayer Meeting on Zoom

      • Next meeting: Tue June 18, 2024

      • If interested contact Margaret Loo or email info@stechurch.com

    • Mondays 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Mandarin “Holy Light Bible Study Group” on Zoom

  9. Sermons stechurch.com/sermons

  10. Livestream or Recorded Services stechurch.com/services

  11. Rosters stechurch.com/roster