June 23rd, 2024 5th Sunday after Pentecost

  1. Lay Pastoral Associate Part-Time Position Recruitment

    • St. Elizabeth's is seeking a part-time Lay Pastoral Associate who will enable new ministry and assist Priest-in-charge in parish ministry. The position will be approx 15 - 20 hours per week with flexibility to accommodate evenings and weekends. There may be extended hours on occasions when required. See the full job posting for more details. To apply, submit a resume and cover letter to Rev. Siu Chun Leung and Churchwardens at info@stechurch.com before June 22,2024.

  2. St. E Upcoming Events and Ministry Programs

Date and time Events & Notes
Sat Jun 29
11am – 1:30pm
1 st Pet-Friendly Service & Gathering (Cantonese)
Venue: Main Worship Hall
Content: Pet Blessing Service; Light lunch
1. Please sign up early to predict the number of people and pets, and arrange lunch
2. Please use animal-specific ropes, bags, or cages to bring pets for care and watch
Contact Rev. Leung if interested or for more info info@stechurch.com

Sun Jun 30
JOINT English & Cantonese
Taizé Meditative Morning Prayer Service
Wed Jul 3
8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
English Prayer Meeting
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month
Zoom Meeting ID: 996 5736 5249
Password: 3944
Sat Jul 13
9:30am – 12pm
Cantonese Gospel Music & Sharing Mission Event
Venue: St. E
Content: Breakfast, music, sharing
Cost: Free
Sun Jul 14 Faithworks Sunday (Guest Speaker: Peter Mentis)
10am English Holy Communion Service &
11:15am Cantonese Holy Communion Service
Sun Jul 14
11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Women’s Group2 nd Sunday of month
(Adult Faith Group cancelled)
All ladies are welcome
Sun Jul 14
( ~12:30 p.m.
after all services)
Family Fellowship2 nd Sunday every other month
Contact Ernest if interested or for more info info@stechurch.com
Sat Jul 20, Aug 17,
Sep 21, Oct 19
9am – 12pm
Garden & Clean Up3 rd Saturday of month
Contact Paul if interested or for more info info@stechurch.com
Sun Jul 21, Aug 18,
Sep 15, Oct 20
St. E Community Garden Network
3 rd Sunday of month
Collect and donate fresh produce to community Contact Bonny at mission@stechurch.com
Sat Jul 27
Morning Half Day
Cantonese Retreat
Sat Aug 10
Morning Half Day
English Retreat
There will be Children’s Program & light refreshments

3. St. E Community Garden

  • With your sincere prayers, we are grateful and excited to announce to everyone that the “St. E Community Garden" project has received the support of the diocese with a grant of $5,000

  • The first phase of the project will begin within a few days. We hope to provide fresh vegetables to those in need in the community in the future.

  • We currently need a large number of volunteers to help build wooden flower planters, plant plants, and maintain vegetable gardens. If you are interested in participating, please inquire and sign up with Bonny at mission@stechurch.com

4. Links to Online Services and Other Programs

5. Sermons stechurch.com/sermons

6. Livestream or Recorded Services stechurch.com/services

7. Rosters stechurch.com/roster