16th Sunday after Pentecost
English Sermon 英語講道: Tracy Yip 王葉翠芬師母
Cantonese Sermon 粵語講道: Tracy Yip 王葉翠芬師母
Celebrant 主禮: Rev. Canon Philip Der 謝子樂法政牧師
10:00am English Holy Communion Prayer Service Bulletin 英語聖餐崇拜禱文和經課 (PDF)
11:15am Cantonese Holy Communion Service Bulletin 粵語聖餐崇拜禱文和經課 (PDF)
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97104935659?pwd=QmM3aG9GWE1YZjhLay95TWNqWEVRZz09
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用電話聽崇拜 647 374 4685 等兩秒 971 0493 5659 # # 494353 #