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Food Drive 食物銀行籌集食物

  • St. Elizabeth's Anglican Church (map)

We are collecting non-perishable food items

  • April 11 (1pm-4pm),

  • April 12 (1pm-4pm),

  • April 13 (9am-noon) and

  • April 15 (1pm - 4pm).

Parishioners can also bring the food item to the church when they come to Sunday service on April 14. We will distribute flyers to invite the community participating the food drive. If you like to distribute the flyer with us after the Cantonese service on April 7, please contact Fr. Bill or Charles Doiron.

教友可在四月十一日、十二日和十五日的下午一時至四事,十三日上午九時至十二時和十四日主日帶非易腐(non-perishable)食物回來放在食物籌集箱裡。我們也將會在四月七日主日崇拜後到社區派發單張,邀請社區的人來參與我們的捐贈行動。  有有意參與派發單張行動的人請請向英文堂的Charles和牧師報名。

English Food Drive Poster.jpg