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Church Garden Clean Up 清除雜草和整理花圃

  • St. Elizabeth's Anglican Church 1051 Eglinton Avenue West Mississauga, ON, L5V 2W3 Canada (map)

As you all agree, our church lawn and flower garden are looking better every year. There is no doubt that maintaining it requires a lot of love, care and time. Starting July till October, you can be part of our lawn and garden maintenance team. Please come and join us the last Saturday of each month, from 9 a.m. to noon. Mark your calendar and show some support! Please contact Tali Wong or email to so we can schedule and plan ahead. Thank you.

深信每一位教友對我們教會的草地及園藝漸漸改善而感到欣慰。毫無疑問,它正需要我們繼續付出無比的關愛和時間去打理。正因如此,我們歡迎各位於七月至十月期間加入我們的新「園藝組」,在每個月最後的星期六早上九點至中午時間,共同為教會出一點力。請大家電郵 或與黃翠屏聯絡以便計劃及安排,多謝!