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Workshop: How the Anglican Church Works in Toronto 講座:多倫多聖公會的運作

  • St. Elizabeth's Anglican Church 1051 Eglinton Avenue West Mississauga, ON, L5V 2W3 Canada (map)

Workshop: How the Anglican Church Works in Toronto

Bishop Yu will conduct a workshop here at St. E on “How the Anglican Church Works in Toronto” at 10am - noon on Sept 14 (Sat).   Bishop Yu will give a brief introduction to the practice of how the Diocese of Toronto runs and the theology behind it.  He will cover topics such as the three current ways churches are governed, law and tradition behind the Anglican model, the relationship between Diocese and parish and, to our current interest, how ministers are appointed.  Although Bishop Yu will prepare his presentation slides in both English and Chinese, the workshop will be conducted in either Cantonese or English depending on the majority. 


余主教將會在九月十四日(週六)上午十時至十二時在頌主堂主領認識多倫多聖公會教會運作的講座。 余主教將向我們簡單介紹多倫多教區的運作和其背後的神學。  他將會討論的課題包括三種教會治理的模式,聖公會模式背後的法理和傳統,教區和堂會的關係和牧師的委任。 雖然其主要內容將會以中英文預備和放映,但主教將會視出席的大多數來決定以英語或粵語來主講。