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教會家事會議 Town Hall Meeting

  • St. Elizabeth's Anglican Church (map)

The Incumbent and Wardens team is calling a seasonal town hall meeting after Cantonese Sunday service on Sep 8.  The purpose of the meeting is to provide updates about our ministry and plan to the parishioners. At the same time, the leadership can listen to parishioner feedback.  Everyone is welcome.  The length of the meeting will be about one hour.

主任牧師和堂長團隊決定於九月八日粵語崇拜後舉行約一小時的季度性的家事會議。向教友分享教會的事工和計劃。同時,團隊也希望藉此多聆聽教友的心聲。 鼓勵和歡迎教友參與。

Earlier Event: September 6
English Conversation Class 英語會話班
Later Event: September 10
Cantonese Prayer Meeting 粵語祈禱會