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Workshop on Active Listening 互動式講座-重拾聆聽

  • St. Elizabeth's Anglican Church (map)

St E and Emmanuel Motion together will be providing a workshop on active listening (for parents) at 7:30pm to 9pm on Oct 12.  Marianne from Emmanuel Motion is going to lead the workshop in Cantonese.  Marianne is a graduate from Tyndale seminary in pastoral counselling with concentration in family and youth ministry (M.Div.). She is a registered psychotherapist in Ontario and a certified professional counsellor of PACCP (Professional Association of Christian Counsellors and Psychotherapists). Her counselling experience includes depression, anxiety, youth and family counselling, premarital counselling, couples therapy, career counselling and life transitioning counselling.  She currently provides psychotherapy services in CCM and Emmanuel Motion.   Emmanuel Motion is founded by a group of Christians, Emmanuel Motion serves local communities by providing open access to mental and emotional health services. Services include psychotherapy, workshops, support groups, children and youth programs that promote emotional health. Emmanuel Motion is a not-for-profit organization committing to serve communities regardless of faith, race, age, gender and social status.

本堂與關愛動力將會於2018年10月12日(星期五)晚上7時30分合辦題目為“誰明天父母心--重拾聆聽”的互動式講座。  講座由關愛動力的何林雯秀以粵語主講。 何林雯秀女士畢業於天道 Tyndale 神學院, 主修教牧輔導(青年及家庭事工)。安大略省註冊心理治療師, PACCP (Professional Association of Christian Counsellors and Psychotherapists) 認證專業基督教輔導員。 輔導經驗包括抑鬱症、焦慮症、青年與家庭輔導、婚前輔導、夫妻關係輔導、職業輔導和生命過渡期輔導。 她現正於多倫多中信中心和Emmanuel Motion 提供義務心理治療服務。關愛動力(Emmanuel Motion)以基督教價值觀為本, 提供精神及情緒健康社區服務。服務包括心理治療、講座、支援小組、兒童和青少年節目, 籍此促進情緒健康。關愛動力為非牟利組織, 致力於服務社區, 不論其信仰、種族、年齡、性別和社會地位。