#157 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 16

Article by Wilson Loo

一個天氣酷熱的傍晚,笨驢開了噴水機,為乾旱的土地灑水,小天使一句『唔該哂』,飛跑到花灑下『乘涼』,讓水花為她稍解熱氣,悠然自得,更哼起歌來. 笨驢見小天使之心情,近幾天好像撥開雲霧,開朗過來,遂問曰:『怎麼啦,明天安省放寬疫情限制,正式進入第三階段重開,有甚麼大計,去散心散心乎?』

小天使稍頓,答曰『由開始打新冠疫苗至今,近半年了,最初以為極速回復正常生活,無奈疫苗供應不穩定,加上『D形變種』病毒肆虐,至使自二三月來,第三波疫情洶湧,醫療系統幾不勝負荷,可幸官民同舟共濟,各守崗位,醫療人員更任勞任怨,而『皇天不負有心人』,新冠疫苗陸續充裕供應,市民亦對醫學科學投以信任一票,雖明白疫苗可能產生副作用,但衡其利害,都爭相捲起衫袖,互相配搭之下,適齡注射省民有八成已接受首針,而接受兩針的也超過五成矣。一如所料,隨著打針人數增加,立桿見影,疫情個案跟著除除降下,由高峰時超過每日四千確診, 降到現在的每天不到二百症, 大家都稍為舒一口氣,但仍未敢有所鬆懈。而雖然很多人無論在經濟或其他方面都受著大小不同的影響,但有異於第二波疫情時之倉猝開關,催使第三波一發幾乎不可收拾,現今大家都沉著氣,步步為營,忍耐著,盼望著,盼望著美好的明天. 』


小天使好整以暇,伸個懶腰,續曰:『老實說,環顧地球村,我們的安省, 甚至楓葉國,在這回合的抗疫戰中,真的打了一場漂亮的勝仗呀』小天使搔搔頭,問曰:『這可也是經上所說的 『就是在患難中,也是歡歡喜喜的,因為知道患難生忍耐,忍耐生老練,老練生盼望,盼望不至於羞恥,因為所賜給我們的聖靈,將神的愛,澆灌在我們心裡』羅5:3-5』『喂, 笨驢, 明日晚飯,出街堂食,大快朶頤, 一齊慶祝,我請.』

One hot summer evening, stubborn donkey turned on the water sprinkler, hoping to moisten the dried up lawn a bit. Little angel shouted aloud, “thank you.” And he was already lying under the water shower from the sprinkler system, letting the water soak him up and cool him off. He lay there, relaxed, and started humming tunes.

Stubborn donkey noted that little angel’s mood seemed much better these last few days and asked, “what? The provincial pandemic restrictions will be further lifted tomorrow, entering into stage 3 reopening. Any plan to enjoy yourself?”

Little angle paused, and answered, “it is nearly six months since we started on the Covid vaccination program. At first everyone thought that normality would be achieved very soon. However, due to the interruption of supply of the vaccine and the prevalence of the delta variant, the third wave of the pandemic hit us hard since February or March. The healthcare system was barely able to cope. Fortunately, both the government and the public sit together tight in the same boat, guarding their own posts. And the medical personnel gave their very best, walking extra miles for the sick and the needy. The Lord rewarded our dedication. The Covid vaccine supply grew and was maintained. It was good that the public trusted our medical and scientific profession. Although they were aware of the possible side effect of the vaccines, and after they carefully weighed the pros and cons, most if not all strived to get the vaccine done, and soon, so much so that by now, over 80% of the eligible population had got their first shot and over 50% had their full two shots. As predicted, with the increase in people vaccinated, the number of cases fell gradually, dropping from over 4000 cases per day to now under 200 a day.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but not letting one’s guard down. As well, although many people had been suffering economically and otherwise, unlike during the second wave, when the restriction was lifted so abruptly and unprepared, and causing an unrelenting surge in the third wave; now, all remain calm, patient, and composed, taking gingerly steps, one step at a time, and all looking forward and hoping for a better tomorrow.

Stubborn donkey nodded.

Little angel stretched his angel body, continued, “To be honest, looking around the earth village, I can see that our province, and even our country have really done a good job during this phase of the pandemic. Surely we had fought a beautiful battle.”

Little angel scratched his head, “is it not what the scripture says,`…we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.’ “

“Hi, stubborn donkey, let’s dine out tomorrow evening, and let us have a big feast to celebrate. I will treat!”