#156 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 13

Article by Terence Kim


金卓年 (盧頌欣譯)

六月下旬,我們去安省的Sault Ste. Marie 市參加我姨姨的婚禮。我外公外婆也有去。以下是我對疫中乘車旅行的看法。


在這次去Sault Ste. Marie 市的旅途有三個不同之處:口罩、社交距離、和進食。我覺得很難記住帶口罩,如果我把口罩遺留在車子裏,我就要回去拿。要保持社交距離就即是要與親戚保持距離,變相很少可以相擁,對我來説實在很困難。進食時很不同。在旅途中休息時,我們不能在店子裏吃東西,要在戶外或車内吃。幸好,我媽媽爸爸早有準備。我們帶了盤子,所以我們在車子裏吃東西也不會搞得太髒!

在 Sault Ste. Marie 市,我應邀吃了幾頓飯,大快朵頤:意式、日式、加拿大式都有。這是有史以來我其中一次最大的食物探索旅程。在婚宴上有很多個我完全未聽過的菜式,是意大利和亞洲菜的融合,我叫它做Italiasian意亞式。


A Child's Perspective on a Road Trip in COVID-19

Terence Kim

In late-June, we headed to Sault Ste. Marie, ON, for my aunt's wedding. My grandpa and grandma were coming too. Here is my perspective on a road trip during the COVID-19 pandemic.

When we first came out of the garage, we celebrated because we hadn't gone on a trip for over a year. Inside though, I was scared because I have not yet received any COVID-19 vaccines (I am not old enough). Once I started playing with my brother, I relaxed for this 8-hour long trip.

There were three things different about this road trip to Sault Ste. Marie: masks, social distancing, and eating. The masks were hard to remember to bring. If I left mine in the car, I would have had to go back and retrieve it. Social distancing meant that we had to stay away from my relatives, which meant not many hugs, and that was so hard for me. Eating was very different. At rest stops, we could no longer eat inside; we had to eat outside or in the car. Luckily, my mom and dad came prepared. We brought trays so that we could eat in the car with little mess!

During my stay in Sault Ste. Marie, I stuffed myself, getting treated to multiple meals: Italian, Japanese, and Canadian cuisines. It was one of the biggest food adventures that I've had. At the wedding dinner, there were so many dishes that I never knew existed. It was an Italian-Asian fusion, and I called it Italiasian.

Fun times passed quickly. Before we knew it, we were back home again. This road trip was an unforgettable experience. Even with the pandemic restrictions, most of the trip was exciting and even funny. I think the most valuable lesson is that even in a difficult situation, we can still have a wonderful experience.