2020 07 11
作者 Article by: Wilson Loo
新冠疫情引致安省進入醫療緊急狀態三個多月了,跟其它聖公會一樣,頌主堂暫停實地崇拜, 不經不覺也十七個星期,在此危險時刻,對教友關顧,特別有些個別年長教友,愛心的關懷及實質的支持,至為重要, 在Canon Jim Woolley主任牧師及堂長的領導之下,我們的關顧部及團契部發揮了極大作用,不但用各種方法保持聯繫,更為有需要的教友購買餸菜及急需日用品,正如耶穌說,『你們既作在我這弟兄中一個最小的身上,就是作在我身上了。』也是在疫情蹂躪下,不少人默默共赴時艱,為人性光輝加點燈火。
教會其它的粵語事工,也沒有完全停頓下來,查經小組,最初由應用Whatsapp程式的四人查經小組開始, 及至教區提供”Zoom”在線會議功能, 查經小組驟增到十人,研習時個個全神投入,踴躍討論,氣氛熱烈。大家都珍惜久違了的互動的機會。
崇拜事工,最初只有講道之錄音幻燈,放在網上, 供教友聽閱, 隨著 “ Zoom” 在線會議功能開始熟習,在線粵語主日崇拜也開始實行, 竟然有超過卅人參加由余主教主持講道之第一次聚會,教友雖未能同在,但心仍繫於頌主堂,團契相通可見一斑。
正如羅馬書第五章所說,『…在患難中,也是歡歡喜喜的,因為知道患難生忍耐,忍耐生老練, 老練生盼望, 盼望不至於羞恥,因為所賜給我們的聖靈,將神的愛澆灌在我們的心裡。』
It has been three months since Ontario has been under medical emergency lockdown. Just like other Anglican churches, St. E has temporarily suspended its in-person worship services. During this critical period, caring and support for our parishioners, especially some of those who are older and more vulnerable. Under the guidance of Canon Jim Woolley, the interim priest-in-charge and the churchwardens, our caring ministry, and the small group fellowship ministry have been particularly busy. Not only do they maintain regular contact with parishioners, they also help selected needy parishioners to do groceries and purchase urgent everyday items. As Jesus said in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats, ”…whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Other Cantonese ministries did not come to a total halt either. Bible study group initially utilized “Whatsapp” to organize a four member study group. With the availability of “Zoom”, the number of participants soared to ten. During the study, everyone is fully absorbed, and all involved in vigorous discussions. The atmosphere is warm and engaging. Members value the interaction they have after nearly three months’ separation.
On the other hand, this “Love in Pandemic” email network, published on alternate days since the shut down, has been reaching out to more than 60 recipients. Thanks to the contribution of many parishioners who take the time to share their thoughts and experience during such unprecedented times. Many parishioners indicated that reading these articles every other day has become their routine and they look forward to receiving these sharing articles and the prayers.
As for worship services, initially, only recorded sermons and power point slides are produced and put on St. E’s website. With the familiarity with “Zoom”, the Cantonese on-line worship service has been started. It is really a blessing to see more than 30 parishioners participating in our first worship- presided and sermon delivered by Bishop Yu. Parishioners may not be able to gather together to worship, but they are joined hand in hand, and their communion strong as ever.
As written in Roman, Chapter 5,” …but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”