2020 07 15
作者 Article by: Margaret Loo
可以說,這場疫情暴露出加拿大護老體系各方面的問題,是時候對護老體系進行認真改革了。而在網上獲得的資料顯示,老年人, 尤其是護老機構的老年人,大量死於新冠病毒感染, 不是加拿大獨有的現象。
我的父母移民來加時, 身體十分健康, 和哥哥嫂嫂一家住,適應得不錯,直到父親患病入院治療後,生活起居開始需要特別的照顧, 我們為他們安排入住一所為華人長者而設的護老院。 我記得很清楚,他們對入護老院這個安排很抗拒,入院那天,母親還哭了,要求每個週末返回家住,我們都答應了。意料之外, 他們入住護老院後, 非常開心, 再也沒有要求周末要返回家住。家人和我對護老院為父母所提供的各方面的服務很滿意,我感受最深的,是院方對住院長者那充滿敬愛的服務的態度。
現今社會講求效率,崇尚科技,長者是弱勢社群,絕對是被遺忘的一 群, 面對疫情反映令人難過的數據,除了要求政府對護老系統進行認真的檢討和改革,或許我們每一個人,可以透過主動對身邊長者的關懷和照顧,幫助建立一個敬老爱老的環境,讓老人家能安渡晚年。
A few weeks ago, I received an email from my youngest daughter with information about the coronavirus in Ontario as of June 14 this year.
Some of the figures about the elderly are really sad. The following three sets of numbers are particularly disheartening.
Of a total of 32,370 confirmed cases, 5380 (17%) are elderly
Of a total of 2,527 confirmed deaths, 1,629 (65%) are elderly
Outbreaks occurred in 331 long-term care institutions and 151 nursing homes.
It can be said that the epidemic has exposed various aspects of the Canadian long term care system, and it is time to seriously review and reform the system. Information on other countries obtained online shows that the elderly, especially the elderly in the nursing homes, have died of new coronavirus infections in large numbers. The situation is therefore not unique to Canada.
This phenomenon reminds me of my parents’ experience in their old age in a nursing home.
My parents came to Canada from Hong Kong. They were in good health and adjusted well to their new home in Canada, living with my brother’s family. They adapted well in the first few years until my father became ill and was admitted to hospital. After discharge from hospital, he required special care in his daily living. We arranged for both of my parents to stay in a nursing home for Chinese speaking elders. I remember very clearly that they were very resistant to this arrangement. On the day of admission, my mother cried sadly and asked to return home every weekend. We assured her she could definitely do so. Unexpectedly, they were very happy after staying in the nursing home. In fact, they never asked to return home for the weekend. My family and I were very satisfied with the various services provided by the nursing home. What impressed me most is the attitude of the staff. They treated the elderly people with respect and with love.
In today's society where efficiency and technology are people’s primary concern, seniors are a vulnerable group. They receive very little attention and are often ignored and forgotten. In the light of the disappointing data from the pandemic, it seems we have to do more than asking the government to review and reform the nursing care system. Maybe each of us can make an effort to show our care and love to the elderly people around us. Together, we can help building an environment of love and respect for our seniors.