#48 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2020 06 23 

作者 Article by: Margaret Loo 

最近在報紙看到一則新聞, 覺得很特別, 借疫中情這平台和大家分享這則新聞的內容和感想。 

新型冠狀病毒疫情下, 英國一間酒店繼續開放, 免費讓無家者留宿, 受惠者為表謝意, 決定為酒店做一些小事, 包括整理花園, 打掃房間和砌磚牆等。從三月份開始,這間酒店邀請超過45名無家者免費入住。這酒店共有60間房間, 平日每晚房價可達155英鎊。 

其中一位受惠者表示, 很感謝酒店的員工的照顧, 所以他為酒店砌磚牆, 以表謝意。另一位受惠者, 已流浪了25年, 認為酒店救了他。酒店方面則表示, 疫情下繼續開放是希望可幫助有需要的人, 又稱這批新的客人很可愛, 對得到幫助充滿感恩。酒店為員工提供全套保護裝備,包括手套, 口罩等。酒店並為客人提供三餐膳食, 食物直接送到各人房間,以減低傳播病的風險。酒店至今並沒有人感染新冠病毒。

看了這則新聞,第一個反應是想起了好撒馬利亞人的故事, 這間英國的酒店,在疫中情免費為流浪者提供飲食和住宿, 就好像聖經中的撒馬利亞人, 在路上遇上了被强盜打得半死的猶太人, 不認識他, 亦不介意撒馬利亞人和猶太人不相往來的傳統,動了慈心,不但替傷者包裹傷口,還親自送他去客店養傷,又替他交客店的宿費。 

但想深一層,覺得好撒馬利亞人的故事只是這則新聞的上集,這則新聞,繼續講述受惠者充滿感恩, 主動地為酒店提供各樣的服務,而其中有個別受惠者,更宣稱這受惠的經驗, 改變了他的生命。 


I recently read a story from the newspaper, which I would like to share with you. 

Under the pandemic, a hotel in the UK remained open, making it available to the homeless to stay overnight for free. The beneficiaries expressed their gratitude and decided to do some small things for the hotel, including gardening, cleaning the room and building brick walls. Starting in March, this hotel has invited more than 45 homeless people to stay for free. There are 60 rooms in this hotel, and the daily room rate can be up to £155 on weekdays. 

One of the beneficiaries said that he was very grateful to the hotel staff for their care, so he built a brick wall for the hotel to express his gratitude. Another beneficiary, who has been homeless for 25 years, says the hotel has saved his life. The hotel management indicated that it was their intention to help the needy by making the rooms available to them during the pandemic. The management commented that the guests have been very grateful for the help offered. The hotel has been providing employees with a full set of personal protective equipment, including gloves and masks. The hotel also provides guests with three meals, and the food is delivered directly to everyone's room to reduce the risk of spreading the disease. No one has been infected with the virus so far. 

Initially, this story from the newspaper reminds me of the story of the Good Samaritan. It seems that this hotel, by providing free food and accommodation for the homeless in the pandemic, is acting like the Good Samaritan in the Bible. The Good Samaritan came to the rescue of a stranger, a Jew who was beaten to near death by a robber, despite the tradition that Samaritans were hated by Jews. He had compassion for the victim. He cleaned his wounds, sent him to rest in a motel and paid for the boarding fees. 

On second thought, it seems the story of a Good Samaritan is just Part One. This news story continues to tell how the beneficiaries were full of gratitude and actively provided various services for the hotel. One individual claimed that this experience has changed his life. 

This news story reminds me of a pastor who once said, "Gratitude is not a “period. “ It is a “comma”. Gratitude is like a key that will open the door for more grace from God."