#02 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2020 03 23 

作者Article by: Joel Chiu 

自從得悉我們安省省民,以至全加拿大國民要停止多人聚集來減慢冠狀病毒的漫延以來,已經大概過了十天。餐館食肆亦遵照安省宣佈緊急狀態停止了堂食整整有一週,我們對這情況未能這麼快習慣下來的。無論出外作必要的購物,或為舒展一下去公園逛逛,都與往日不一樣。 有時我們忽然覺得有些孤獨,沒有以前那麼多機會與別人面對面互相寒喧,這樣的感覺是有些不好受。 現實是我們要面對,想想自我調節的方法。我覺得幸好現代的科技可以幫到忙,大家不妨用電話、網上語音或視頻,互相問候,多與關心的人、因各種原故減少了見面的,增加互相問候,如果對方有需要是我們能夠扶助的,就盡量去幫忙罷﹗ 其實,我們跟隨衛生官員的指引也是幫助到別人的。所以記得勤清潔雙手,消毒,不亂用手摸面,盡量留在家中,與陌生人保持五、六呎距離。這些都是有用的。 在家中多了些閒暇時間的話,正好可以多靈修、多虛心追求上帝的旨意。上帝有醫治的能力,祂願意醫治。 讓我節錄詩篇第五十五篇廿二、廿三節結束這個分享﹕ 要把重擔卸給耶和華, 他必扶持。 上帝啊, 我要倚靠你。

It has been about ten days since Ontario and Federal officials discouraged large gathering of people. Eateries have stopped allowing customers to eat in for a full week's time. We may not be accustomed to these situations this fast. May it be necessity shopping or stretching exercise in parks, it is not the same as before. There is some time when we feel lonely; there is less opportunity for us to chat face to face with others. Such feeling is awful. We have to face this reality. Think certain ways to cope with these new norms. I suppose modern technology helps: telephone calls, internet calls 

and video calls, etc., are there for us to greet each other. When you know somebody is in need of help, help him/her as much as you can. Actually, following the recommendations of health officials to frequently wash our hands, sanitize them, stay home, keep social distancing. All these actions are useful to contain the spread of this virus. When you feel free at home, seek God’s will by reading the Bible, meditating. God has all the power to heal and will not refuse exercising this power. Let me close this sharing by an excerpt of Psalm 55:22,23: Cast your burden on the LORD, And he will sustain you;… I will trust in you.