#30 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2020 05 18 

作者 Article by: Bonny Kwok 

活在當下 Live in the Moment 

相信最近大家都在討論新冠狀病毒,和籠罩世界因疫情所引起嘅種種混亂。 由於我的工作,是屬於社會必須服務範圍,我每星期仍需要出外工作兩天,及接觸不同的人。雖然回家後,立即洗澡,更換衣服,但是仍會擔心受感染或傳給家人。不禁羨慕那些可完全居家隔離的人,因為我倒覺得他們是有福的! 不需要擔心受感染或連累家人。安省政府明天開始,逐步開放商店業務,逐漸分階段重啟經濟。不過相信不久將來,就算完全解封回復正常的日子,都會是一個「不一樣的正常」, 每個人在生活上都會有或多或少的改變。 

在抗疫生活這段日子,一件看似普通的事情,都不再是理所當然,而是上帝的禮物。平時不以為然的一切,也變得尤為寶貴,譬如:戶外一口新鮮空氣、等候幾星期才買到的一包麵粉、每次有距離地探望媽媽...。「親愛的天父,感謝祢賜給我們枱上的食物。」 如今,我對這句飯前禱告,更存親切及感恩的心。 

最近拿起一本還未讀完的書「活在當下」- 賴淑惠,分享作者的幾句說話: 

「當你跌入生命的幽谷時 ,不妨不掙扎也不怨天, 選擇放下,全然地擁抱幽谷的一切,這時,你會發現原來新的出口,就在這放下當中。」 

「右腳放下, 左腳才能前進。」 



「但願使人有盼望的神,因信將諸般的喜樂平安充滿你們的心,使你們藉着聖靈的能力大有盼望。」 (羅馬書 15:13) 

Recently, everyone has been talking about the novel coronavirus and the chaos it has caused in the world during these times. As my occupation is considered an essential service, I still need to go to work and see different people. Even though I immediately take a shower and change my clothes when I get home, I still worry that I may have made contact with infected individuals and pass it to my family. I feel blessed for those being able to stay home completely and not have this worry. Starting tomorrow, Ontario will start to reopen its economy and phase out some emergency restrictions that were imposed to combat COVID-19. Hopefully it won't be too long before we see the end of the emergency state and life goes back to normal, but I believe that we will be living in a "new normal" with lasting changes from our time spent during this pandemic. 

Things that were previously small and mundane parts of our daily lives can no longer be taken for granted, but are seen as a gift from God. Very normal things become more valuable than before, such as fresh air from the outdoors, a bag of flour that I have been waiting for weeks to buy, and the occasional social distance visits with my mother. I have also become more thankful and sincere when praying: "Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us food on the table". 

I recently finished reading a book that I had previously started called "Let go, live in the moment "活在當下" by 賴淑惠 and I would like to share some of the author's words: 

"When you fall into life's valleys, try not to struggle or blame. Let go and embrace the valley you are in. You will find the way out by letting go." 

"You can only take a step forward when you put the other leg down" 

This book has taught me that I should no longer anxiously wait for life to return to its original state, but accept the changes brought about by the pandemic. This perspective eased my anxiety caused by the uncertainty of the pandemic. On the contrary, I can experience God's love and grace in my life more than before. I have become more patient and willing to wait on God, as He responds to our prayers according to His own timing. He is working deep in our hearts. Sometimes God doesn't change our situation because He is trying to change our hearts. 

I hope that in today's adversity, those who trust God can regain hope in the Words of God. 

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 

Give Thanks - Janella Salvador 






[ Give Thanks ] 

Give thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the Holy One. 

Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son. (x2) 

And now let the weak say, "I am strong." 

Let the poor say, "I am rich, 

Because of what the Lord has done for us." 

Give thanks.