August 6th, 2023 10th Sunday after Pentecost

  1. Q2 Financial Update

    • Offerings: Actual $50K, Budget $54K, Below Budget 7%

    • Total Revenue: Actual $104K, Budget $102K, Exceeds Budget 8%

    • Expenses: Actual $63K, Budget $88K, Below Budget 28%

    • Net Income: Actual $41K, Budget $14K, Exceeds budget 194%

    • Note: these are preliminary numbers as some items still need to be updated

  2. Attendance Update

    • 2023 Jan - Jul Average Sunday Attendance 73.8 (2022 overall average 79.2)

  1. Aug 13 10:30am Joint Holy Communion Service & Lunch Fellowship

    • Social committee is planning a special lunch fellowship with Japanese style foods. We invite you to join us for lunch following 10:30am Joint Holy Communion Sunday service on Aug 13.

    • Please purchase your lunch tickets this Sunday after service.

    • Adults $12, children 5-12yr $6.

    • Children 4 or under is free.

    • All are welcome to attend. We hope to see you there!

  2. Community Garden Network

    • Following the evaluation from our Folksgala last year, parishioners would like St. E to be a serving church.  We will hold a Community Garden Network and encourage you to donate some of your grown produce to the needy families through Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association.

    • If you are willing to share your loving produce, please bring them to church on the 3rd Sunday of each month as follows:

    • July 16, 2023

    • August 20, 2023

    • September 17, 2023

    • October 15, 2023

    • If you don't have the home-grown product but would like to participate or have any questions, please contact Bonny at

    • Thank you for contributing your fresh produce on Sunday July 16. We collected about 75 pounds and had given to Care First the next day. They have distributed to 10 families in need.  Our next collection date will be August 20.  We encourage you to support the families in need.

  3. Sunday School Summer Programme

    • Aug 6 M.P. - Arts and craft

    • Aug 13 Joint H.C. 10:30 a.m. - Activity Centres

    • Aug 20 M.P. - Trip to park

    • Aug 27 M.P. - Food party (Vietnamese spring roll)

    • Sunday School will have walking trips to Father Angelos Saad Community Park on July 9th, July 30th and Aug 20th.

    • All Sunday School children must have a signed permission form to participate.

    • Children under 4 and children without signed permission from parents/guardians must be accompanied by an adult to join. Please bring sun hats, sunscreen and water for the walking trips.

    • If your child does not attend our Sunday School on a regular basis, please bring him/her to the Sunday School room in person and check in with the teacher before dropping him/her off.

  4. Cantonese Prayer Group

    • Please note that the Cantonese prayer group will take a summer break in July and August. We will meet again on the first Tuesday of Sept (Sept 5).

  5. Cantonese Bible Study Group

    • Due to prearranged travel engagements by a number of group members, the group decides that there will be no meetings for the Cantonese Bible Study Group during the months of June, July and September of 2023.

    • The Cantonese Bible Study Group will meet at 7 pm on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursdays during the months of August. October, November and December 2023.

    • If interested, please contact Margaret Loo or email

  6. Property Management Notice

    • The property management department is scheduled to clean and maintain the inside and outside of the church on the morning of the second Saturday of each month. We invite all church members to take time to participate in this activity. If possible, please bring your own gardening tools. Interested parties please contact Property Management Minister Paul Seto.

    • Now scheduled for the following dates:

      • August 12

      • September 9

      • October 14

    • If it rains that day, it will be postponed to the next Saturday.

  7. Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom

    • Sundays 11:15am -noon English Online Youth Group

    • 2nd, 3rd, 4th Thursdays 7pm – 8:30pm Cantonese Bible Study

      • No Meetings June, July, September

      • If interested contact Margaret Loo or email

    • 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 8pm-8:45pm Cantonese Prayer Meeting

    • Wednesdays 8pm English Prayer Meeting

    • Mondays 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Mandarin “Holy Light Bible Study Group”

  8. Sermons

  9. Livestream or Recorded Services

  10. Rosters