September 18th, 2022 15th Sunday after Pentecost

  1. Fire Drill

    • Please be advised we shall conduct a Fire Drill on Sunday, September 25th at around 11am after English service.

  2. Time Capsule Items

    • Thanks to all who suggested and provided items for our 30th anniversary time capsule.

    • A list of items have been identified and are being prepared. These items will be displayed at St. E on Sep 25.

    • The items will be put inside the time capsule and buried in the ground by a new tree which we will be planting on Sunday, Oct 2 after our anniversary service.

  3. Condolences

    • Oi Sheung Tam, wife of Tai Chan So, passed away peacefully in the hospital on Sep 7, 2022 surrounded by her family.

    • The funeral service was held on Wed Sep 14, 2022.

    • May the peace of our Lord be with Tai Chan So and the family at this difficult time.

    • Please keep them in your prayers.

  4. Photo Sharing Session - Stories in Photos

    • Thanks to all who volunteered to help at the photo sharing session on Saturday

  5. Food Drive 2022

    • From September 11th, 2022 to October 2nd, 2022, please donate the currently most needed non-expired and non-perishable food for Mississauga Food Bank by bringing the food to the church (Peanut butter, canned beans, canned meat, canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned soup, canned stew, fruit juice, flour, pasta, rice, cereal, Kraft dinner).

    • This year, we shall have a pilot Neighbours Help Neighbours Food Drive by delivering (Sept 18th)  and collecting (Sept 25th) brown grocery bags to and from a nearby small neighbourhood of about 150 families. We are hoping by reaching out to the community, we can help out our society better.  This food drive enables us to serve while celebrating our church's 30th anniversary. In the meantime, it's just in time to meet the high food demand around the Thanksgiving Holiday.

    • For those who are interested in helping out, please contact

  6. Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom

  7. Sermons

  8. Livestream or Recorded Services

  9. Rosters