August 13 (Sat Evening from 4pm) St. Elizabeth's 30th Anniversary BBQ dinner party
Thanks to all who volunteered and everyone who attended the BBQ party
Time capsule item collection
This year, we are celebrating St. Elizabeth’s 30th Anniversary, in order to honour the history of our church, we shall set a Time Capsule that highlights the continued mission of St. E, to bring people from all walks of life together for spiritual comfort, challenge and direction. We are planning to collect 30 items that will be put inside the capsule and buried in the ground next to a planting tree on Sunday, October 2nd. Now, we are asking our church parishioners to participate and share some of your private collections if possible.
Proposed a list of items to consider:
Recent Sunday bulletins - Include a copy of our most recent service bulletins and announcement - Sun Oct 2nd.
Anniversary memorabilia of significant milestones,e.g 25th 20th and older
Memorable items from the fire, e.g. half burnt Bibles.
Photos of significant events with captions over the past 30 years.
Our 30th Anniversary tote bag & pen.
Our existing St. E's organization chart.
A copy of the recent annual newsletters.
From August 15th - 28th, If you have any other suggestions or items that can be shared, please feel free to Tali Wong or email
Note: We are only making a copy from the original and the item will be returned to the owner.
Phau Lan "Jennifer" Pang, mother of Margaret Cheung’s passed away peacefully in Vancouver, on Sat Aug 6 at the age of 84
The Memorial Service for Jennifer will be held at St. Titus Anglican Church, on August 14, 2022, at 3 pm., follow by a private service of interment of ashes in the memorial garden of the church.
The memorial service will also go live via zoom link
In lieu of sending flowers, please donate to the BC Cancer Agency ( or St. Titus Anglican Church (680 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 2S4) in memory of Jennifer Phau Lan Pang.
May the peace of our Lord be with Margaret, Rev. Canon Philip Der and the family at this difficult time.
Please keep them in your prayers.
Property Management Notice
Thanks to all who volunteered to help with the gardening on Saturday Aug 6
Next gardening day will be Sat Sep 10 from 9am to 12 noon
Photo Sharing Session - Stories in Photos
The outreach team will hold a photo sharing session on Saturday, September 17, from 2pm to 4pm at St. E. The theme is Stories in Photos. It is an honor to invite Mr. Andy Chan, a retired veteran photographer, to share his photography experience. The content includes sharing skills, discussing works, and answering questions. All interested parishioners are welcome to participate. It will be shared in Cantonese. For enquiries, please contact Annie Chan directly or email
Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom
Sundays 10:00am English Service: Click here
English Service Bulletin (PDF) is attached
Sundays 11:15am Cantonese Service: Click here (meeting room opens 11am)
Cantonese Service Bulletin (PDF) is attached
Phone 647 374 4685
Meeting ID: 971 0493 5659 #
When it asks for participant ID just press #
Password: 494353 #
2nd, 3rd, 4th Thursdays 7pm – 8:30pm Cantonese Bible Study: Click here
The Cantonese Bible Study Group of Faith Formation will take a break in August for summer vacation, and will resume online on the second, third and fourth Thursday in September, from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.
Meeting ID: 925 1299 3695 Password: 159691
If interested contact Margaret Loo or email
1st& 3rd Tuesdays 8pm-8:45pm Cantonese Prayer Meeting: Click here
The Cantonese Prayer Meeting of Faith Formation will be closed for summer vacation in July and August, and will resume online on the first and third Tuesday of every month in September as usual, from 8:00 pm to 8:45 pm.
Meeting ID: 981 8987 6958 Password: 105101
Wednesdays 8pm English Prayer Meeting: Click here
Meeting ID: 996 5736 5249 Password: 3944
Saturday 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Mandarin Bible Study : Click Here
Meeting ID: 930 9972 4731 Password: 1051
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