June 19th, 2022 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, Father's Day

  1. Happy Father’s Day

    • Blessings to you all on this Father’s Day. Let us give thanks to God for all the fathers and caregivers in the world.

  2. June 19 & June 26 (Sun) Chalice Bearer Training

    • Chalice bearer training will take place on Sunday, June 19 after Cantonese Morning Prayer and on Sunday, June 26 at 10:30am before Joint Service

    • Please let Rev. Maria know which session you will attend. Thank you.

  3. June 26 (Sun) Farewell Potluck Lunch - Rev. Maria Ling leaving announcement

    • Rev. Maria Ling will be reaching the end of the term with the church at the end of June this year and has decided not to renew for a further term. Her last worship service with us will be on June 26, 2022. 

    • We invite you to join us to give Rev. Ling a farewell potluck lunch on her last day of service. Each family to bring a dish of food if possible. Please contact Paul Seto with your choice of selection. 

    • St. Elizabeth is grateful for her dedicated priestly service, and we wish her our prayers and best wishes.

  4. August 13 (Sat Evening) St. Elizabeth's 30th Anniversary BBQ dinner party

    • Come celebrate the 30th anniversary of St. Elizabeth at our church barbecue dinner party. Mark your date on Saturday, August 13th. More details to come. 

  5. June 21 (Tues) 7:30pm 30th Anniversary Planning Committee Meeting

  6. July 16 (Sat Morning) Mission Visioning Retreat

    • We encourage all parishioners to attend this retreat where we will revisit our mission statement together in connection with our 2022 Theme: "Rekindle us to serve the changing world"

    • Please reserve date in your calendars

    • We will have lunch together

  7. Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom

  8. Sermons stechurch.com/sermons

  9. Livestream or Recorded Services stechurch.com/services

  10. Rosters stechurch.com/roster