June 5th, 2022 Day of Pentecost

  1. June 11 (Sat) 10am PAB Meeting

    • Zoom Link: Click Here

    • Meeting ID: 992 5232 3954 Passcode: 105101

  2. June 21 (Tues) 7:30pm 30th Anniversary Planning Committee Meeting

    • Zoom Link: Click Here

    • Meeting ID: 849 6872 7181 Passcode: 105101

  3. July 16 (Sat Morning) Mission Visioning Retreat

    • We encourage all parishioners to attend this retreat where we will revisit our mission statement together in connection with our 2022 Theme: "Rekindle us to serve the changing world"

    • Please reserve date in your calendars

    • We will have lunch together

  4. Property Update

    • The work to install a water sprinkler system for watering the lawn surrounding our building has completed.

    • Area not included was the lawn area next to the boundary line with Bagnell Veterinary Hospital

  5. Diocese of Toronto Postponing Moving to Green Stage to June 5

    • In light of the current rate of infections in the Diocese of Toronto, the Diocese have decided that the previously announced move to Green Stage will not take place on April 27, but instead will now take place on the Feast of Pentecost, Sunday, June 5.

    • St. Elizabeth's will follow the Diocese and postpone moving to Green Stage as well. On that date, all remaining Covid-related restrictions for gathering and worship will be lifted in the Diocese of Toronto (with the exception of the vaccine mandate for clergy, staff and volunteers). In the meantime, the Diocese of Toronto default position continues to be our Spring Guidelines.

  6. Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom

  7. Sermons stechurch.com/sermons

  8. Livestream or Recorded Services stechurch.com/services

  9. Rosters stechurch.com/roster