May 8th, 2022 4th Sunday of Easter, Mother's Day

  1. Happy Mother's Day

    • Blessings to you all on this Mother’s Day. Let us give thanks to God for all the mothers and caregivers in the world.

  2. May 8 Youth Group Cancelled

    • Youth group will be cancelled for this Sunday May 8.

    • Sessions are planned to resume next Sunday, May 15.

  3. Condolences

    • Ken Yat Lum, father of Grace Krist, passed away peacefully at home in Vancouver, on Monday, May 2 at the age of 89.

    • May the peace of our Lord be with him and his family at this difficult time.

    • Please keep Grace Krist and her family in your prayers.

  4. 2022 April Offering Summary Report: Click here

  5. Diocese of Toronto Postponing Moving to Green Stage to June 5

    • In light of the current rate of infections in the Diocese of Toronto, the Diocese have decided that the previously announced move to Green Stage will not take place on April 27, but instead will now take place on the Feast of Pentecost, Sunday, June 5.

    • St. Elizabeth's will follow the Diocese and postpone moving to Green Stage as well. On that date, all remaining Covid-related restrictions for gathering and worship will be lifted in the Diocese of Toronto (with the exception of the vaccine mandate for clergy, staff and volunteers). In the meantime, the Diocese of Toronto default position continues to be our Spring Guidelines.

  6. Clergy Summer Vacation

    • Rev. Maria will be away during May 2022. In case of pastoral emergencies during that time, please call the Churchwardens who will assist you.

  7. Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom

  8. Sermons

  9. Livestream or Recorded Services

  10. Rosters