This Sunday Sep 12 11am Joint English & Cantonese In-Person & Online Morning Prayer Service
We will have a joint service at 11am on Sunday, Sep 12. Our preacher for that day Rev. Maria will preach in English and Joel will interpret in Cantonese.
As there will not be Mandarin service, please join the joint service instead
There will not be English Children’s Online Sunday School
Zoom Click here at 11am (meeting room opens 10:45am)
Phone 647 374 4685
Meeting ID: 971 0493 5659 #
When it asks for participant ID just press #
Password: 494353 #
English Ministry Social Event
English Ministry is hosting a Harvest Festival on October 16th from 3-5pm. You are all invited! It will be in the parking lot of the church and in the surrounding area. We welcome you to drive in with Fall decorated trunks. If you would like, you may bring nut-free prepackaged treats to share with all the kids.
We invite each participant to bring their own snacks so that we can all have a picnic together while social distancing. Children can join in activities such as crafts and a scavenger hunt during the time.
Due to health & safety, we will not be able to serve open food and drinks, but you are welcome to bring your own to be consumed while physically distanced.
If you’d like to join us, please e-mail the organizing team at We hope to see you there!
Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you have been baptized and your intention to live a life of committed discipleship. This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming bishop. The Church also asks God to give you power through the Holy Spirit to enable you to live in the way of Jesus. If you wish to confirm the vows that were made at your baptism, please contact Rev. Maria at or at 647-507-1051
CANCELLED: “Mid-Autumn Celebration Night” on September 18
Due to the unforeseen rising of the forth wave of COVID19 pandemic, and after various considerations, both CMC and Social have decided to cancel the “Mid-Autumn Celebration Night” event on September 18 Saturday. We know it is disheartening, but may be the best option under present circumstances. The Corporate Team would like to thank Ophelia, Anna and others who have started on some of the preparatory work.
Rev. Maria’s Office Hours
From September 2021, Rev. Maria will be at church on Sundays, Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays. If anyone would like to meet with her, please call or text ahead to confirm. All other times, Rev. Maria will be working from home. Friday is her day off.
UPDATED Sep - Oct Worship Rosters
Attached are the English, Cantonese and Mandarin rosters for September & October worship and they are also available on our website:
The rosters are based on our current situation and arrangements for worship, if there will be any impacts to services due to changes in the COVID-19 restrictions. The rosters will be adjusted accordingly.
If you or your family members are not available to serve on certain days, please contact Fenella as soon as possible.
If you are on our roster serving in speaking roles in worship and do not wish to have your image recorded, please let Fenella know to arrange for alternative options such as recording audio only.
Preparing for Reopening
Cantonese worship to resume at church on Sun Sep 12 and Cantonese & English worship will to be livestreamed from church. Mandarin worship will remain online.
For those who do not wish to attend in-person service, online options will continue to be available. Visit our website for details:
For those who are schedule to serve in roles such as lay reader, preacher, reader, intercessor, host, ppt controller can choose whether they wish to serve at home or at church. However, we will need those scheduled as greeter, envelope secretary, bee team, AV support to come to church. Please notify Fenella if you are scheduled but are unable to serve in these roles.
According to the Diocese and government health and safety guidelines we remind all parishioners that face masks are to be worn at all times when inside our church building. If you do not bring your own masks, we will have disposable masks available. For those people whose medical conditions preclude the wearing of masks please consult with your health-care provider about the advisability of attending church without one.
To help us all experience a smooth transition into reopening the church, if you require any special accommodations or exceptions to the measures outlined, we hope you will communicate this to the church leadership well before coming to church so that we can make proper arrangements where necessary (
Diocese updated reopening guidelines: link here
Infirmed Prayer Requests
Vanky So’s health and recovery.
Please pray for Mrs. Tsang’s recovery and pray for her family as well. Thank you.
Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom
Sundays 9:30am English Adult Bible Study Group: Click here
Meeting ID: 219 137 9700 Password: 3944
Sundays 11am - 11:20am Children’s Sunday School: Click here
No class on Sunday Sep 12
Meeting ID: 975 6220 2949 Password:105101
2nd, 3rd, 4th Mondays 3:30pm - 5pm Cantonese Bible Study: Click here
Meeting ID: 925 1299 3695 Password:159691
If interested contact Margaret Loo or email
1st& 3rd Tuesdays 8pm-8:45pm Cantonese Prayer Meeting: Click here
Meeting ID: 981 8987 6958 Password:105101
Wednesdays 8pm English Prayer Meeting: Click here
Meeting ID: 996 5736 5249 Password: 3944
Saturday 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Mandarin Bible Study : Click Here
Meeting ID: 930 9972 4731 Password:1051
Livestream or Recorded Services