August 22nd, 2021 13th Sunday after Pentecost

  1. This Sunday Aug 22 11am Joint English & Cantonese Online Morning Prayer Service

    • We will have a joint service at 11am on Sunday, Aug 22. Our preacher for that day will be Bishop Patrick Yu who will preach in Cantonese and give a summary in English.

    • As there will not be Mandarin service, please join the joint service instead

    • There will not be English Children’s Online Sunday School

    • English Bulletin (PDF) is attached

    • Chinese Bulletin (PDF) is attached

    • Zoom Click here at 11am (meeting room opens 10:45am)

    • Meeting ID: 971 0493 5659 Password:494353

  2. Preparing for Reopening

    • Cantonese worship to resume at church on Sun Sep 12 and Cantonese & English worship will to be livestreamed from church. Mandarin worship will remain online.

    • For those who do not wish to attend in-person service, online options will continue to be available. Visit our website for details:

    • For those who are schedule to serve in roles such as lay reader, preacher, reader, intercessor, host, ppt controller can choose whether they wish to serve at home or at church. However, we will need those scheduled as greeter, envelope secretary, bee team, AV support to come to church. Please notify Fenella if you are scheduled but are unable to serve in these roles.

    • According to the Diocese and government health and safety guidelines we remind all parishioners that face masks are to be worn at all times when inside our church building. If you do not bring your own masks, we will have disposable masks available. For those people whose medical conditions preclude the wearing of masks please consult with your health-care provider about the advisability of attending church without one.

    • To help us all experience a smooth transition into reopening the church, if you require any special accommodations or exceptions to the measures outlined, we hope you will communicate this to the church leadership well before coming to church so that we can make proper arrangements where necessary (

    • Diocese updated reopening guidelines: link here

  3. E's Social Depart Is Organizing a "Mid-Autumn Celebration Night"

    • A "Mid-Autumn Celebration Night" is to be held on September 18 Saturday, organized by our Social Department. Games will be one of the elements of that evening. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, number of participants will be limited to 50. Member who is interested in joining and is a member of a small group can register (including number of accompanying participants) through his/her group leader; first come first serve. If he/she does not belong to any small group, then just call, message or WhatsApp Ophelia or e-mail her to . We appreciate early registering for easier preparation of the event. Furthermore, St. E's is collecting non-perishable food for Food Bank from September 12 through October 13, we strongly urge participants of this event bring their donations to church that evening as an expression of thanksgiving.

    • "Mid-Autumn Celebration Night"

    • Date: September 18 (Saturday)

    • Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

    • E-mail :

  4. PWRDF Vaccine Equity Fund

    • As we are thankful for the success of vaccination against Covid-19 in our community, such that we can now look forward to a near normal life and worship, we are also mindful of those who live in areas where Covid-19 vaccines are not readily available, for varied reasons. In April 2021, the Primate World Relief and Development fund of the Anglican Church of Canada ( PWRDF) launched the “vaccine equity fund”

    • PWRDF donors support vaccine equity with generosity and creativity - The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund

    • so that Anglicans across Canada could contribute to the worldwide effort to vaccinate people against COVID-19. We would like to call upon all our parishioners to donate generously towards such an urgent and worthwhile cause, for the benefit of our needy neighbors.

    • St. E will collect the donations for this purpose from

    • July 25 (Sunday) to Aug. 22nd (Sunday) inclusive, and forward the donations to PWRDF.

    • You can submit your donations via the following methods,

      • Cash: dropping off at the church, marked as for “PWRDF equity vaccine fund”

      • Cheque address to St. Elizabeth’s Anglican Church, but marked as for “PWRDF equity vaccine fund”

      • Donation at St. E website, choosing the line for “PWRDF equity vaccine fund”

    • Donation receipts will be issued at the end of the financial year by St. E.

    • Thank you kindly for your love and care.

  5. The Companionship Project Sharing Session

    • Thank you for your prayer and support for the Companionship Project. A Zoom sharing session will be held on Tuesday 24 August 2021, from 8-9 pm for companions to meet and share their experience in their companionship. Parishioners who would like to know about the project are welcome to join. For queries, please feel free to email Carol at

    • Meeting ID: 821 8901 3911 Passcode: 584836

  6. English Ministry: Preparing ourselves for leadership and ministry

    • Maria would like to invite all members of English Ministry to consider joining her in equipping ourselves for ministry and service in God's vineyard.

    • We will embark on a group study of "For the Common Good: Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts" by Christine Harman.

    • Dates and times are TBA. The cost of each book is $18CAD.

    • Please email or text Rev Maria for more info at or (647) 507-1051. This will begin in the Fall.

  7. Maria on Vacation in August

    • Maria will be on vacation during the month of August. Please pray for her to have a time of rest, renewal and reflection for the ministry ahead. In case of pastoral emergencies, please contact the wardens ( ) and they will refer you on who to call.

  8. Infirmed Prayer Requests

    • Vanky So’s health and recovery.

    • Please pray for Mrs. Tsang’s recovery and pray for her family as well. Thank you.

  9. Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom

  10. Sermons

  11. Livestream or Recorded Services

  12. Rosters