This and prior weeks' announcements are posted on this webpage:
Carol Shih’s Summer Internship
St E’s Corporate Team is pleased to announce that Carol Shih will be serving as Lay Ministry Intern for her Wycliffe College Summer internship and will be employed on a part-time basis. She will report to the Priest-in-Charge and the Churchwardens. While she will serve the whole church, her focus from May 1 – August 31, 2021 will be on the Cantonese Ministry. She will also carry out administrative tasks as assigned by the Churchwardens.
Rt. Rev. Michael Bedford-Jones passed away on Sunday April 18. May light perpetual shine upon him. Please also continue to pray for his wife Bonnie and the rest of the family.
Rev. Maria on Vacation
Maria will be away on vacation leave from April 26 - May 2 (included). In case of any concerns please contact the Churchwardens and if it a pastoral emergency, please contact the Rev. Jim Woolley at (416) 450-7249
Follow up and group discussions on the two Retreat Talks
We are thankful that our online retreat " Revive, Restore, Renew" of the Cantonese congregation was successfully completed on Tuesday April 10. Upon parishioners' request, the Faith formation ministry will be organizing 2 follow up and group discussion sessions on the two retreat talks.
The first session on Rev. SK Lee's talk will be held on Tuesday April 27 from 7:45 pm to 9 pm. This session will be led by Wilson Loo.
The second session on Bishop Patrick Yu' talk will be held on Tuesday May 11 from 7:45 pm to 9 pm. This session will be led by Billy Ng.
Regardless of whether you have attended the retreat on April 10, you are welcome to join the two follow up sessions. Interested parishioners can contact Margaret for registration. Please listen to the recordings of the two talks now posted on the St. E website before attending the two follow up and discussion sessions. sessions.
Retreat Talks Recordings
Lectionary Discussion with Rev. Maria: Click Here
From May 3, 2021 and every Monday following, at 7:30pm those interested to study the Lectionary Readings for the following Sunday are invited to a discussion with Rev. Maria. All you need is your Bible. If you don't have one, please let Rev. Maria (
Meeting ID: 985 4725 9051
Passcode: 650075
Attached are the English, Cantonese and Mandarin rosters for May & June worship and they are also available on our website:
The rosters are based on our current situation and arrangements for worship, if there will be any impacts to services due to changes in the COVID-19 restrictions. The rosters will be adjusted accordingly.
If you or your family members are not available to serve on certain days, please contact Fenella as soon as possible.
English Ministry - Reading Together
Join Rev. Maria on Tuesdays from 7:30pm - 8:30pm in the month of May for "Reading Together".
We will begin with Henri J.M. Nouwen's book, "The Return of the Prodigal Son". Please obtain your own copy in bookstores or online. Please register via for the Zoom link. This will be in English.
Cantonese Prayer Meetings
Faith Formation announcement: Starting from April, an online Cantonese prayer meeting will be held on the first and the third Tuesday of each month, from 8:00pm to 8:45pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Join the Zoom Meeting: Click Here
Meeting ID: 981 8987 6958
Passcode: 105101
Prayer Requests
Please pray for Ms. Lee (Enoch’s mother) for her speedy recovery from her surgery.
Lisa Cheng and Vanky So’s health and recovery.
Grace Krist’s father in Vancouver, who is not well.
Tsang has been discharged from hospital and returned to Yee Hong. Please pray for Mrs. Tsang’s recovery and pray for her family as well. Thank you.
Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom
Sundays 10:15am English Service: Click here(meeting room opens 10am)
English Service Bulletin (PDF) is attached
Sundays 11:15am Cantonese Service: Click here(meeting room opens 11am)
Cantonese Service Bulletin (PDF) is attached
Phone 647 374 4685
Meeting ID: 971 0493 5659 #
When it asks for participant ID just press #
Password: 494353 #
Sundays 9:30am English Adult Bible Study Group: Click here
Meeting ID: 219 137 9700 Password: 3944
Sundays 11am - 11:20am Children’s Sunday School: Click here
Meeting ID: 975 6220 2949 Password:105101
2nd, 3rd, 4th Mondays 3:30pm - 5pm Cantonese Bible Study: Click here
Meeting ID: 925 1299 3695 Password:159691
If interested contact Margaret Loo or email
1st & 3rd Tuesdays 8pm-8:45pm Cantonese Prayer Meeting: Click here
Meeting ID: 981 8987 6958 Password:105101
Wednesdays 8pm English Prayer Meeting: Click here
Meeting ID: 996 5736 5249 Password: 3944
Livestream or Recorded Services