April 11, 2021 2nd Sunday of Easter

This and prior weeks' announcements are posted on this webpage:  https://www.stechurch.com/announcements

  1. Cantonese Prayer Meetings

    • Faith Formation announcement: Starting from April, an online Cantonese prayer meeting will be held on the first and the third Tuesday of each month, from 8:00pm to 8:45pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.

    • Join the Zoom Meeting: Click Here

    • Meeting ID: 981 8987 6958

    • Passcode: 105101

  2. April 10 (Sat) 9:30am – 12:30pm Cantonese Online “Revive, Restore, Renew” Retreat

    • Thanks to all who attended the retreat and we especially thank Bonny and the organizing team for planning and preparing this retreat

  3. Prayer Requests

    • Please pray for Bishop Michael Bedford-Jones and his wife Bonnie who had been hospitalized with Covid-19.

    • Please pray for Ms. Lee (Enoch’s mother) for her speedy recovery from her surgery.

    • Lisa Cheng and Vanky So’s health and recovery.

    • Grace Krist’s father in Vancouver, who is not well.

    • Tsang has been discharged from hospital and returned to Yee Hong. Please pray for Mrs. Tsang’s recovery and pray for her family as well. Thank you.

  4. Christopher’s Public Workshop

    • On Saturday, April 17, 2:30-4:30 pm, St. Christopher’s has invited Alan Fung to give a talk on “How to improve sleep quality and maintain emotional health during the pandemic – common sleeping problems; insomnia; Sleep Apnea; control stress; common emotional problems (diagnosis and treatment)”. Dr. Alan Fung specialized in psychiatry, University of Toronto Mount Sinai Hospital Wellness Centre Chief Medical Doctor and research professor at Tyndale University. The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese.

    • Please register early at stchris.ca or 905-918-2205 before Tuesday, April 13. The Zoom link will be sent to you afterwards.

  5. Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom

  6. Sermons stechurch.com/sermons

  7. Livestream or Recorded Services stechurch.com/services

  8. Rosters stechurch.com/roster