This and prior weeks' announcements are posted on this webpage:
Upcoming Services
March 28 Palm Sunday at 11am – We will have a joint service for. Our preacher for that day will be Billy Ng who will preach in Cantonese and give a summary in English. Please join us for this meaningful service.
as there will not be Mandarin service, please join the joint service instead
English Bulletin (PDF) is attached
Chinese Bulletin (PDF) is attached
Phone 647 374 4685
Meeting ID: 971 0493 5659 #
When it asks for participant ID just press #
Password: 494353 #
April 1 Maundy Thursday – no zoom services but a web recording will be posted for all to view
April 2 Good Friday – 10:15am English and 11:15am Cantonese we will meet via Zoom to observe the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
as there will not be Mandarin service, please join either the English or Cantonese services instead
April 4 Easter Sunday – 11am Joint Easter celebration this year will be by Zoom. It will be a bilingual service and our preacher will be Rev. Maria with translation into Cantonese.
as there will not be Mandarin service, please join the joint service instead
St. Christopher’s Public Workshop
On Saturday, April 17, 2:30-4:30 pm, St. Christopher’s has invited Dr. Alan Fung to give a talk on “How to improve sleep quality and maintain emotional health during the pandemic – common sleeping problems; insomnia; Sleep Apnea; control stress; common emotional problems (diagnosis and treatment)”. Dr. Alan Fung specialized in psychiatry, University of Toronto Mount Sinai Hospital Wellness Centre Chief Medical Doctor and research professor at Tyndale University. The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese.
Please register early at or 905-918-2205 before Tuesday, April 13. The Zoom link will be sent to you afterwards.
April 10 (Sat) 9:30am – 12:30pm Cantonese Online “Revive, Restore, Renew” Retreat
Registration deadline: March 28
Two talks by Rev. Dr. Stephen SK Lee and Bishop Patrick Yu
To register please email with your:
Number of participants in your household:____
Number of devices (Phone/Computer/Tablet) for connecting to retreat: ______
Prayer Requests
Please pray for Ms. Lee (Enoch’s mother) for her speedy recovery from her surgery.
Lisa Cheng and Vanky So’s health and recovery.
Grace Krist’s father in Vancouver, who is not well.
Mrs. Tsang has been discharged from hospital and returned to Yee Hong. Please pray for Mrs. Tsang’s recovery and pray for her family as well. Thank you.
Links to Other Programs on Zoom
Sundays 9:30am English Adult Bible Study Group: Click here
Meeting ID: 219 137 9700 Password: 3944
Sundays 11am - 11:20am Children’s Sunday School: Click here
No classes on Sunday March 28 and April 4
Meeting ID: 975 6220 2949 Password:105101
2nd, 3rd, 4th Mondays 3:30pm - 5pm Cantonese Bible Study: Click here
Meeting ID: 925 1299 3695 Password:159691
If interested contact Margaret Loo or email
Wednesdays 8pm English Prayer Meeting: Click here
Meeting ID: 996 5736 5249 Password: 3944
Livestream or Recorded Services