February 21st, 2021 1st Sunday of Lent

This and prior weeks' announcements are posted on this webpage:  https://www.stechurch.com/announcements

  1. Vestry Meeting

    • Our annual vestry to be on this Sun Feb 21, 2021 at 1:30pm

    • Zoom Meeting Link: Click here

    • Meeting ID: 990 7874 3606

    • Passcode: 1051

    • Vestry report and draft financial statements is available on website: stechurch.com/vestry

    • Page Password (only included in this email distribution of St. E members)

    • The vestry name list of those parish members who are eligible to vote and be voted is posted on locked vestry webpage above.

    • Church members must meet with conditions stated in the Diocese Canon to be eligible to vote in Vestry Meeting. According to the Diocese Canon 14, voting members need to declare the following: "I solemnly declare that I have been a member of the Anglican Church of Canada and of this congregation for at least three (3) months, that I have attended regularly scheduled services of worship with this congregation at least three (3) times in the past year, that I am of the full age of sixteen (16) years and that I have not voted as a member of any other vestry during the previous three (3) months, nor do I intend to vote in any other vestry during the ensuing year". For any errors and omissions found in the list, please contact Rev. Maria or the churchwardens.

    • On Dec 17, 2020, Diocesan Council passed motion to address that “regularly scheduled services of worship” shall include any service conducted by conference call or virtual meeting platforms whether live-streamed or pre-recorded, for the period since March 13, 2020 and on a continuing basis until Diocesan Council declares otherwise.

  2. Bishop Jenny’s Online Farewell Party Feb 21 at 4pm

    • Thanks to all those who contributed to Bishop Jenny’s farewell gift.

  3. Donation Tax Receipt

    • Can be picked up at church on Wed Feb 24 from 10:30am to 3pm

  4. Infirmed

    • Ms. Lee (Enoch’s mother) for her health

    • Mrs. Tsang has been discharged from hospital and returned to Yee Hong. Please pray for Mrs. Tsang’s recovery and pray for her family as well. Thank you.

  5. Condolences

    • Jin-Cun Liao (Anne Liao’s father, Angie & Jeremy’s grandfather) passed away on Feb 9 in China. Due to the pandemic, Sunny is not able to go back to China for the funeral. Please pray for him, Anne and their family.

  6. Cantonese Lenten Bible Studies

    • The Cantonese ministry has prepared a Lenten Bible study series for our members. In concert with the 2021 theme for the church, the focus of the present series will be on “ Revive, Restore and Renew”

    • Starting on Ash Wednesday (Feb 17), the series will be published once every Sunday, for a total of 6 weeks ( up to Mar 21). For each week, there will be

    • (1) a Psalm – both sung (providing a link to the website) and written. It is encouraged that you read it as you listen, and while doing so, meditate on what the psalm is speaking to you.

    • (2) one or more Bible passages, selected by Rev. Maria Ling. It is hoped that you can read it through many times and please read it slowly. Please reflect on the relationship of the passage with the church and its 2021 theme.

    • (3) A short reflection, with a view to generate your interest to write down your thoughts during the Lenten studies. As a retreat is being planned for in April, your thoughts can be shared during the retreat then.

    • stechurch.com/lent

  7. English Faith Formation Ministry:

    • We invite everyone to participate in fun and meaningful activities at home during Lent. The resource material we have chosen is by Illustrated Ministry which consists of a series of weekly activities starting on Ash Wednesday until Easter. The theme for this Lenten season is Reflections on the Heart. Through exploring Gospel passages about treasures and matters of the heart, families will reflect on what kind of treasure matters to us, why we store treasures, and the power these treasures have in our lives. Each weekly session will have a scripture, reflection, discussion questions, activity, colouring page, and prayer.

    • The material will be emailed to each family. Those who need paper copies can contact Yvonne or Rev. Maria at info@stechurch.com

  8. Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom

  9. Sermons stechurch.com/sermons

  10. Livestream or Recorded Services stechurch.com/services

  11. Rosters stechurch.com/roster