This and prior weeks' announcements are posted on this webpage:
Wycliffe College student, Carol Shih
We are happy to welcome Carol Shih, who is a 2nd year MDiv student at Wycliffe College, who will do her Field Education here at St E. She will be worshipping with us and also learning about pastoral ministry and serving God here in Canada. Rev. Maria will be supervising her during her time with us. Please reach out to her and welcome her.
Sunny Wong's mother-in-law, Hong Lian Chen, 96, passed away in China. Due to the pandemic, Sunny is not able to go back to China for the funeral. Please pray for her and her family.
1/23 (Sat) at 10am PAB Meeting: Click Here
Meeting ID: 992 5232 3954 Passcode: 105101
Bishop Patrick Yu teaching theology courses online
He will be teaching 3 courses on Zoom at Ming Hua Theological College, the Anglican Seminary in HK. Courses will run from March to May. Lectures in Cantonese, written work in English. There is a fee to join each course. If you need financial assistance or would like further information, please contact
Sun Jan 31, 2021 at 4pm Celebration of New Ministry for Rev. Maria Ling
On Jan 31, 2021 at 4pm Bishop Jenny be coming to St. E as celebrant to our Celebration of New Ministry online service for Rev. Maria. Please mark your calendars.
One of the hymns in the installation service was composed by the Rev. Maria’s husband, Prof. Swee Hong Lim. Rev. Maria invites everyone to have a look at the music score and the music video in advance, so that it will be easier to sing and praise God together on the actual day.
Alpha comes to St. Elizabeth’s in the New Year
Why am I here? What is my purpose? Who is Jesus? Bring your questions and your friends to Alpha, where we will watch a video together online and discuss it in small groups afterwards. Alpha will be hosted via ZOOM (in collaboration with St. John’s Willowdale) on Thursday evenings, 7:30 – 8:30 pm, starting Jan. 21 (ending Feb. 25). All are welcome.
If you are interested in volunteering as a small group facilitator, please contact Rev. Maria Ling at .
Zoom Meeting Link: Click Here
Meeting ID: 898 0390 4309 Passcode: 365059
2021 Theme: Revive, Restore, Renew
Revive our dry bones and weary spirits – Ezekiel 37:1-14
Restore our first love for Jesus – Revelation 2:1-7
Renew our relationships/friendships – Galatians 6:2; Hebrews 10:24, 25; John 13:34, 35; Romans 12: 9-21
Renew our commitment to the ministries God has given us to carry out at St E – Ephesians 4:7-11; 1 Corinthians 12
Renew our sense of God's way of being church (the Body of Christ) – Acts 2:44-47
Christian Unity Service
According to the church calendar, this week is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The Diocese will organize the first Mandarin Christian Unity service on this Sunday, January 17, 1:30 pm at St. James Cathedral. Rev. Kevin Hon, Incumbent of Toronto Chinese Methodist Church, will be the preacher. You are welcome to join the service online
Calvin Symposium on Worship 2021
ONLINE CALVIN SYMPOSIUM ON WORSHIP 2021 - Free to register and attend
January 6–26, 2021
You are warmly invited to register now for a free online learning experience held January 6-26, 2021, on key topics and themes in worship and the Christian life at the Calvin Symposium on Worship. This online experience is designed for all kinds of learners: students, faculty, artists, musicians, pastors, preachers, scholars, teachers, worship leaders and planners, and all interested worshipers around the world.
Rev. Maria recommends this event.
Seminar on Apostles’ Creed (by CGST) & Follow up discussion & Prayer meeting (by St. E. Faith Formation)
Our Faith Formation Team would like to encourage parishioners to join the online seminar on “Apostles’ Creed” by CGST (Hong Kong China Graduate School of Theology) – a total of 8 weekly lectures, starting from Jan. 19 to Mar. 17. (no class for the second week of Feb.) Please see the following for details and for registration,
Faith Formation suggests you consider to register for the “21A90A92” session (Hong Kong Time Wed 9-10am) (that is, Toronto time Tue 8-9pm)
Deadline for registration: Hong Kong Time: Wed. Jan 6
Faith formation will hold a follow up discussion and prayer meeting (conducted in Cantonese) on Tue after each lesson on “Apostles’ Creed”, at about 9:00pm to 9:30pm. For those parishioners who would like to join this discussion and prayer meeting, please inform Margaret Loo (, so that the appropriate Zoom link can be provided.
UPDATED Jan-Feb Worship Rosters
Attached are the updated English, Cantonese and Mandarin rosters for January & February worship and they are also available on our website:
The rosters are based on our current situation and arrangements for worship, if there will be any impacts to services due to changes in the COVID-19 restrictions. The rosters will be adjusted accordingly.
If you or your family members are not available to serve on certain days, please contact Fenella as soon as possible.
Vestry & 2020 Reports
We are tentatively setting our next annual vestry to be on Feb 21, 2021
We will likely hold the vestry online and possible at church if situation allows at the time. More details will be closer to the date.
Department heads and small group leaders are invited to write short reports (about half a page with photos) on the development of their ministries in either English or Chinese.
Please submit your reports to Fenella Chiu by Jan 17, 2021.
Links to Online Services and Other Programs on Zoom
Sundays 10:15am English Service: Click here(meeting room opens 10am)
English Service Bulletin (PDF) is attached
Sundays 11:15am Cantonese Service: Click here(meeting room opens 11am)
Cantonese Service Bulletin (PDF) is attached
Phone 647 374 4685
Meeting ID: 971 0493 5659 #
When it asks for participant ID just press #
Password: 494353 #
Sundays 9:30am English Adult Bible Study Group: Click here
Meeting ID: 219 137 9700 Password: 3944
Sundays 11am - 11:20am Children’s Sunday School: Click here
Meeting ID: 975 6220 2949 Password:105101
2nd, 3rd, 4th Mondays 3:30pm - 5pm Cantonese Bible Study: Click here
Meeting ID: 925 1299 3695 Password:159691
If interested contact Margaret Loo or email
Wednesdays 8pm English Prayer Meeting: Click here
Meeting ID: 996 5736 5249 Password: 3944
Livestream or Recorded Services